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Mathew 10:16, Lover of Electroplasmic Universe, Photon Belt, Purity, The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing - 2

Sep 29, 2020, 22 tweets

Glorious Day on Paradise Earth, StarSeeds, Loved Ones, Earth & Galactic Guardians, Protectors, Executioners, Exchequers, Enforcers, Healers & Visitors

It's most obvious the Elections were transformed into historical Machiavellian deception that continues

to date: What is even more surreal is the manner everyone recognizes something is incorrect yet continue to believe a legitimate outcome will transpire from heinous multidimensional Frauds being utilized upon the innocent beneficiaries, the people while herding everyone via

multiple traumatizing distractions under the guise of a recognized artificially created pandemic, COVID: The attack upon the people's minds, perceptions, beliefs of reality, trust & more being launched by heinously corrupt, perverse oversight fiduciaries simultaneously world

wide in combination of staged destruction of infrastructure by appearance ONLY of multiple demonstrated embedded terrorist (domestic & foreign) cells on American soil: Clearly orchestrated by an united agenda that includes all political parties & multiple colluding fiduciary

PERSONS (individuals & organizations) in every sector of civilization: It is a fallacy to believe that a group of Disclosed serial murdering [paedophile criminals] will ever have the people's interest as has been demonstrated now historically: Observe the satanic ritual of

of one of [their] own, a heinous serial murdering [paedophile criminal] being treated with DISGUSTING perversity of honor: The perverse contradictions due to the Mantra intelligent people have been fed that disclosure of the truth would injure & traumatize people: Yet staged

riots executed with obvious precision nation & world wide over another one of [their] own a known heinous historical criminal, George Floyd, a Mason & Security Guard for a questionable business & who had beaten a pregnant woman is during another publicly staged Satanic ritual

Machiavellian perverted publicly execution/sacrifice performed by former work associate of [GF] Derek Chauvin security guard from the same questionable business & a IMDB actor: 1)…

& the plot thickens with a NBA star, Stephen Jackson & Mason stepping forward, who happens to be also Mason: 3) There are other wonderful Threads anons have created pertaining the initiation of the artificially orchestrated riots via satanic ritual

& the premeditated symbolism of ritual to honor duality & the dualistic principal of opposites being utilized: For example we two men one representing the white duality principal & the other representing the black: Literal & figuratively in context: Then add to the layering

each man has a double, a clone, twin, a look alike: What are the odds of that? George Floyd, the repeat criminal, porn star & pregnant woman beater has the NBA star, Stephen Jackson a Mason & alleged pillar of society: His alleged executioner Derek Chauvin has Benjamin Ray

Bailey a television star of the series Cash Cab: Who when comparing hair line appears to be the man kneeling upon [GF]: Then we have the Masonic Order a global organization that has the ability along with other Secret Societies, all whom have an "invested" interest in the

desire to regain control over Macro systems operations that [they] have lost: Remember prior this event May 30th, the Enforcement upon oversight fiduciary Governors & mayor of various states was


Disclosing premeditated murder systemically transpiring to innocent beneficiaries (people) by heinously corrupt oversight fiduciaries across the America: Being externally paid to claim COVID patients that had ZERO related association illness or Death due to COVID: Senator

representing Minnesota, Dr. Scott Jensen says the American Medical Association is interviewed by Lara Ingraham April 9th, 2020 6)…
states how Medicare is premeditatedly engaged in fraudulently, coercing Hospitals to do in order to receive funding:

“Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those ..."

kinds of things impact on what we do.” expressed Dr. Scott Jensen: Further people will recall the push to build ventilators for the COVID pandemic & the premeditated hyper inflated death tolls claimed by C-D-C
*Note the Date & timing of events


Whistleblower who courageously came forward pertaining premeditated fiduciary abuses of beneficiary patients & ongoing Enforcement Thread of the
multipronged perpetuation of the COVID Fraud of premeditated injury & murder by entrusted fiduciaries


in RICO collusion with oversight fiduciary, Governors, Attorney Generals, Justices, mayors, council members with other fiduciary PERSONS (individual & organizations) as Dr. Fauci, Birx, B & M Gates, Como etcetera NIH, CDC & WHO) are all responsible for heinous Capital Crimes

against civilization on an unprecedented magnitude: Every oversight fiduciary presently that continues to perpetuate the unwarranted COVID Lockdown, mask social distancing, testing & vaccines is premeditatedly engaged in murdering the population & weakening the immune system

Multiple courageous Dr.s & specialist world wide came forward with the truth historically disclosing the known existence of a cure that administered had rapid recovery rates for COVID patients:

Will skip forward to Enforced Disclosure & retractions by CDC pertaining truth of COVID deaths:

@rawphonegirl further located this post

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