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Sep 29, 2020, 9 tweets

Voting in the U.S. can be a complicated process. It’s also one of our fundamental rights. Our interactive voter guide will help answer your questions ahead of election day 🗳

Up first: here’s what you should know about registration deadlines and voting by mail.

Registering to Vote: Many states have shifted deadlines and expanded registration options due to the coronavirus pandemic

While there are more ways to register, you will not be able to register same-day in most states

Our interactive graphic also helps you find if you are registered to vote in your state

Voting By Mail: Covid lockdowns and social distancing measures have increased the country’s dependence on by-mail voting. Here are the places where you will need a reason to vote by mail

✉️ The U.S. Postal Service recommends voters request ballots no later than 15 days prior to election day (Oct. 19). Some states have different deadlines for requesting vote-by-mail ballots by mail, in-person and online

You may need a notary or witness to vote by mail depending on where you live

📫 Voters should mail in their ballots at least one week prior to their states’ due dates to ensure that they are received in time to be counted, USPS says.

Follow our interactive guide to answer your questions about the election process this year

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