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Sep 30, 2020, 8 tweets

'How you doing, man?': Joe Biden greeted President Trump at the start of their first debate, where they adhered to social-distancing protocols by not shaking hands. Follow the debate live: 📷 @j_ernst_DC

While being interrupted by Trump, Biden said, 'Will you shut up, man? This is so unpresidential. Keep yapping, man.' More photos from the debate: 📷 REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Biden, told by Trump that he has adopted Bernie Sanders' 'socialized medicine' proposals: 'Everybody here knows he's a liar. You picked the wrong guy on the wrong night at the wrong time.' Follow the debate live: 📷 @brian_photog

@brian_photog Trump, asked about whether Judge Amy Coney Barrett should be nominated to the Supreme Court before the election: 'We won the election. Elections have consequences.' More photos from the debate: 📷 @brian_photog

@brian_photog Trump to Biden on the coronavirus: 'We've done a great job. But I tell you, Joe, you could never have done the job we've done. You don't have it in your blood.' Read more: 📷 @brian_photog

@brian_photog 'Proud Boys, stand back and stand by,' Trump said after being asked if he was willing to denounce 'white supremacists and militia groups'. Read more: 📷 @brian_photog

'This clown' - 'Nothing smart about you': Photos from last night as insults fly in first Trump-Biden debate

Scenes from last night's fractious presidential debate

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