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Interested in wild adventures, obscure tribes, & historical processes.

Sep 30, 2020, 9 tweets

Lands of the Numics (other than the Comanche who had their own realm far to the east)

Three theories of Numic origins: 1) the expanded east out of the southern San Joaquin Valley 2) they were indigenous to the Great Basin 3) they swept out of the Nevada desert & conquered or destroyed their neighbors in the last 1500 years.

Most Numic tribes do not have myths sharing elements with those of the Amerindians of California - the three Numic tribes that do live in California

Southern Paiute (Numic tribe) myths record a hunter-gatherer warrior from Pacific coast in California slaughtering Anasazi & Fremont Culture agriculturalists & burning their crops in southern NV, southern UT, and northern AZ.

Numics in the Owens Valley and elsewhere do not have myths referencing volcanism, even though eastern California has had volcanism in the last 1500 years.

Northern Paiute defeated the Sai-i, a Hokan tribe, in their conquest of NW Nevada & NE California around the Pit River. Bows are referenced in the myth, so this took place after 500 AD.

Yokuts or another primitive digger tribe warred with the Paiute over rule of the Owens Valley (fertile land until the 1920s)

Author concludes that Numic urheimat was in SW Great Basin in eastern California and western Nevada and traces the migrations by the respective folklore

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