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Researching vaccine rollout, access and equity (among other pandemic issues) with @ariadnelabs/@HarvardChanSPH. Previously @VermontDFR's data team. Views own.

Sep 30, 2020, 8 tweets

Wolf Blitzer right out of the gate: "Clearly this was the most chaotic presidential debate I've ever seen.…I wouldn't be surprised if this was the last presidential debate between the president and the former vice president."

"That was a hot mess instead of a dumpster fire inside of a train wreck," @jaketapper says. "That wasn’t a debate. It was a disgrace…the American people lost tonight."

.@DanaBashCNN had one word: "That was a shitshow."

"It was a complete disaster on all fronts," @abbydphillip says. "We started at a 12, on a scale from 1 to 10."

CNN's @andersoncooper: "I don't think we've ever seen a POTUS completely lacking in shame, just shameless, and obesely immoral. There's not a moral fiber in this man.…you cannot watch that debate and be proud of our president."

.@GloriaBorger: "He took the presidency and the office of the presidency to a new low."

Santorum is sighing so loudly that we can all hear it.

I think @davidaxelrod lost a few hairs tonight.

Blitzer: "That was an embarrassment for the United States."

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