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Opinionated | Hindu❤️ Waking up each day to REAL facts.. Proud Sanatani 💞 Our opinion can co exist but take yours to your TL #NationistIndian

Sep 30, 2020, 12 tweets

Thread :

This is how child trafficking happens & that's how the system has reacted to it until now..
A hypothetical movie reference but looking at the trends and research I won't even doubt it's authenticity cz the reality is uglier

How will we save people or support people to stand up against such a
henious crimes..
Many have been murdered trying to reveal their reality..
How many more ?
How many MORE??

I am sure the brutality in real would be on a larger extent but the question is WHY?
Movies are a reflection of our society, but under glittery fake stars we often forget to notice these things where hardly any light is shed

UnderAge Bacche the..
How many REAL stories have been hidden under the crushed integrity of Indian Journalists?
These are insights about how the Rich & Mighty Get away with something as immortal as CHILD TRAFFICKING, CHILD ABUSE.

So many other movies have been made on trafficking business…
Where was #JayaBacchan when such articles were published?…

What are strong measure taken by @India_NHRC against such heinous activities?

If such activities still exist rather gone worse..
20 to 65 million plus ppl have been identified by NGOs imagine the numbers that are yet to come to light..
This isn't just a number but a slap on the face of HUMANITY..

How do the mighty get away and why so?
Taking a stand is never easy, people's lives have gone for a toss to only bring the cheap dark side of the fake shiney world far far away from our Instagram stories..

These clips from Page 3 movie were out in public domain since 2005..
What have we done about it?
Just protecting our kids by asking them to not eat a chocolate offered by a stranger?
The value of human isn't only of what we identify as ours but it's beyond that..

Speculations state that #SushantSinghRajput was murdered because he was going to disclose big secrets to protect kids from being trafficked..
The numbers have only gone up during the lockdown..

Global organization like @GAATW_IS @STOPTHETRAFFIK @melissagira @Love146 @3Strands_Global @worldhopeorg have tried their best to raise awareness, it existence hints that it's not enough yet.
I am sure they'have been able save few, but growth in number is still a challenge!

How will we save our kids?
I say our because we DON'T know if its never gonna be MY kid or your kid.
The whistle blowers did so for US & our kids..
When will this be more responsible?
@India_NHRC what aid do you need from the citizens.

@doj_goi why are our systems weak to not punish the mighty?
@DrRPNishank let our grades be dependent on our social awareness also.
@PMOIndia let there be a special aid celebration for kids that are rescued, let us to contribute to their lives?
It is hightime to uplift KIDS.

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