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Sep 30, 2020, 16 tweets

Today's wanderings (walking an hour to my destination instead of taking the Metro). A thread ...

Bangkok canal cats

Whatchu lookin at?

Beautiful walk along the canal. It's publicly accessible and you often see moto-taxis driving along the narrow walkway, but you're also essentially walking through peoples' backyards which they've thoughtfully adorned with all sorts of beautiful plants.

Canal alley cat. Looks like a wise old blind sage!

Exposed pipes and wires. The veins of the city.

Exposed roots of a tree growing over the concrete and reaching into the canal for a drink.

Absolute highlight of my walk. Saw an Asian Water Monitor (Varanus Salvator) climb up out of the water, up the roots and continue along its way into someone's backyard. My camera could not react fast enough to catch it on the roots, but the image is seared into my brain!

You could be just a block away and never know that there's a whole community built around this canal. That's how huge Bangkok is.

Dead tree over drainage. You can see where the roots used to reach into the water.

Sometimes a texture map is enough. You don't have to model every little bit of the environment, especially if it's not meant to be accessible to the player in the first place.

Lunch at "Florida Restaurant." This place is a hidden gem. Some of the best ribs in all of Thailand. The recipe was passed down from 100 years ago. Originally American style wet ribs, but adapted to local tastes. Fusion food at its finest--naturally evolved over time!

This was absolutely worth the hour long walk.

Actually the walk itself was its own reward. I'm so thankful to be able to go about safely in such a beautiful city.

Side note: it would have taken me 40 minutes via metro to get to my lunch meeting so I opted for the hour long walk instead. I highly recommend making this kind of trade off whenever it's convenient/possible for you. Walking is really good for you!

I know not everyone has the luxury of being able to insert a nice hour long walk into their day. I'm very grateful to be able to do any of this. If you're reading this, I hope you have a good day too ✌️✨

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