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l tweet about news,TV, Peanuts, and more. Love the Colorado Rockies and Avs. Blogs: Croglog, Joshuaonline, Mychiller. Banner : @cinnaweeb

Sep 30, 2020, 8 tweets

"The News with Shepard Smith" premieres wish I knew which channel it was on, they need a big huge channel logo on the bottom right #tvsnaps

some extra shots for #thenewscnbc #tvsnaps

more studio shorts, split screen, and split screen 2 #tvsnaps

Some graphics #tvsnaps #thenewscnbc

Most of the program talked about the debate , but without pundits and debates and cable news clutter.
other stories coming up
more graphics #tvsnaps

Business news channel gotta business news #tvsnaps

got this Developing News graphic and some stand ups #tvsnaps

A segment that ran on the "Fox Report "Around the World in 80 seconds" #tvsnaps

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