James Croxton Profile picture
Queer | Coda | EIC @DoubleSided541, Reporter @LCRWnews, Research @chemweaponsci | Previously @villageportland, @dailyemerald, @lcctorch | RT/Like ≠ Endorsement

Sep 30, 2020, 47 tweets

Heading out in a few minutes to meet my @DailyEmerald colleagues for another night of #SpringfieldOregon protest reporting.

I'm here.

Not too many folks here on the protest side but the counter-protest across the intersection is sizeable.

About 40 people on the protest side now.

This is the scene right now as BU preps for a march

There are little pockets of discourse/debates going on both sides of the intersection.

The event has started

Eugene #WallofMoms

This is really meta


The march is moving. Handful of c-pros immediately following

BU leadership laying down some ground rules including not confronting counter-protesters.

C-pr9s are being EXTREMELY confrontational tonight. They've been trying to block this vehicle for minutes and security is seeming to get fed up quickly.

The march has stopped once again as security handles some sort of situation in the back.

There was some pushing and shoving. SPD is looking on from an unmarked SUV

The c-pros are blocking more cars from getting through.

Riot-gear wearing SPD has made an appearance.

Can i editorialize for a second and say that this escalation in activity from c-pros is directly correlated to the debate last night?

C-pros just maced someone in the back

Medics are attending to the two women who are OBVIOUSLY in pain.

People in their cars in the back were also maced

Lots of yelling back and forth.

The march has resumed

The c-pros are chanting "fuck George Soros"

Don't think I've seen this spinoff on TV yet

I have no words

The protest is sitting in an intersection.

SPD in-between the two groups right now.
Lots more are staged by the police department is what I was just told by a journalist who left.

The march is resuming now

SPD staged in riot gear in front of the police station

Again, no words. Especially now that c-proe get a turn

We're back where we started.
Folks are sitting on the plaza ground.

Folks are lying down simulating Breonna Taylor's death at the hands of Louisville Police Officers.

C-pros are now shouting back from the other side of the intersection saying "you're killing yourselves"

Known counter-protester Geena just yelled "don't go to sleep tonight" towards the protest.

SPD is kicking c-pros out from where everyone else is gathered.

The event is over as BU leadership calls for people to start leaving.

I'm getting out of here.

Thanks for following everyone.


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