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*Be Fruitful and Multiply!* Retired Sr Scientist. Defense/Intelligence/BioMed/Philosophy, ~13 yrs each. Arrow of Time? Solved it.

Oct 1, 2020, 8 tweets

"NanoParticles" is a misnomer, they aren't silver nanoparticles but small clusters of silver atoms. Basically, they gum-up viruses' binding enzymes.

See the "Y"-shaped gap in the posts covering the virus' surface? That's how viruses gain entry to host cells.

They have binding

... enzymes that stick to the cell membrane and then open up like a tube, allowing the viral RNA to shoot into the host cell, infecting it.

Small numbers of silver atoms get into that gap and prevent the virus from sticking to the host cell's membrane.

Here's a paper on HIV:

Please excuse my cheesy graphics.

When you only have a few dozen atoms, they are fighting two different forces - One tries to make them into a crystal, the other tries to make them form a sphere (like a bubble).

Silver is esp hard to crystallize because of its dense nucleus.

The dense nucleus has a strong gravitational field, and that makes the orbital electrons go at speeds approaching the speed of light, which slows time via Relativity.

In English, that means that silver's valence isn't an integer ("counting number"), so HS Chem stops working.

So silver doesn't have a stable valence, and it therefore can't form a stable "nanoparticle".

Instead of a chunk of silver, you get a swarm of atoms, like bees.

They get near the binding enzymes' "Y" gap, and invade it.

Then you have a virus that can't infect cells.

I have ZERO vested interest in ANY company or product.

There are LOTS of WRONG ways to make it, but only two brands that I know of make it right - Bio-Alternatives.net and Sovereign Silver (Amazon sells it).

They also stop colds in hours.

Colds are coronaviruses.

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