Laurel Chor Profile picture
My name rhymes with Pharrell. Emmy-nominated journo, photographer & filmmaker from 🇭🇰. @NatGeo Explorer. she/her.

Oct 1, 2020, 10 tweets

Sidewalk march happening on Yee Wo St in Causeway Bay despite heavy police presence. #hongkongprotests

And as quickly as it appeared it has dissipated. Some remain standing by bus stops holding up Apple Daily pages in protest. As has been the case for many protests this year, it’s hard to distinguish between shoppers, bystanders and protesters until they begin chanting.

Just saw two young women walk past at group of police. One exclaimed “Eek! It’s dangerous to be next to all these Ah Sirs!”


“PPRB Live”: the police’s brand new media platform. When the press don’t push your narrative, you do it yourself and bypass them altogether! They’re also almost all wearing GoPros on their helmets today, which is new.

“Why are you wearing an Indian flag?”
“Because India is fighting China. So India is my friend!”

He is now holding the flag above his head, shouting “STAND WITH INDIA! 印度加油!” The crowd is applauding him.

My crew & I are standing in a bus stop area to film police searching two young men. It’s the furthest we can stand while remaining on the pavement. An officer yelled at us w/ a loudspeaker: “You are blocking the bus stop! Have some conscience! I am specifically talking to you!”

2:15am in Mong Kok. Not sure what happened before I started recording. Police mentioned the two arrested are drunk. Unclear what’s going on.

Ambulances came to take the arrested couple away. Cops, including a plainclothes officer in black, directed the ambulances.

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