Jim Pickard 🐋 Profile picture
Deputy Political Editor, Financial Times: Political Journalism team award 2019 (Corbyn’s Labour) & 2021 (Greensill Capital)

Oct 1, 2020, 11 tweets

in case you thought the idea of building anti-migrant walls in the English Channel is either 1] trolling by Number 10 or 2] blue-sky thinking

I can reveal Home Office has launched a secret consultation with the maritime industry into how this might work:


email from September 17 reveals Home Office wants to find solutions to “the small boats challenge”.

Joint Security and Resilience Centre (part of HO) is working with Border Force and Dan O’Mahoney, a former Royal Marine recently appointed "Clandestine Channel Threat Commander"

here are the relevant passages making clear that “marine fencing” and other technologies are being sought by Home Office to block asylum seekers in boats

this is not entirely novel, in that the Greek government has already announced a similar plan just off Lesbos


but @MaritimeUK (the industry umbrella group which passed on the request to its members) says:

“The clear view, which we shared with the Home Office, was that as a matter of international convention, that this is not legally possible.”

FT readers respond

how could I miss this classic reply

“a sticky floating barrier made out of Werther’s Originals”

the Home Office have provided a reply, 8 hours post-deadline:

tonight’s @FT front page

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