Mike Stuchbery 💀🍷 Profile picture
Journalist, Writer & Traveller ★ Stuttgart, Germany ★ Curses lots, despises bigots.

Oct 1, 2020, 8 tweets

Ten People Worse Than The People On This List, Besides Stalin. A Thread, In No Particular Order.

Laventiy Beria. Stalin's chief of the NKVD (Secret police). Ran the gulag system. Responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands (perhaps into the millions) in purges. A sexual sadist, rapist and murderer. Buried bodies were found at his dacha.

Leopold II. Owned the Congo, all by himself. Used it to make money. Biggest slaveowner in history. Responsible for the deaths of up to 10 million Congolese through murders, starvation, exploitation and torture.

Josef Mengele, doctor at Auschwitz and other Nazi camps. Performed entirely unnecessary operations on Jewish men, women and children, once throwing them into a firepit while still alive. Evaded Allies after the war and died in South America.

Emicho von Leiningen led an army through the Rhineland of Germany in 1096, murdering hundreds of thousands of Jews in Worms, Mainz and other cities, all based on libellous claims.

Pol Pot's 'Year Zero' took Cambodia back to an agrarian existence, killing a quarter of the country's population and giving rise to the infamous 'killing fields' where it is thought over a million were murdered.

More coming, I just refuse to sit here and type another five just now.

Ivan the Terrible.
Saddam Hussein
Heinrich Himmler
Idi Amin
Adolf Hitler


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