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African History Lover | Marine Engineer ✉️ Forex Enthusiast okpoyojoseph@gmail.com

Oct 1, 2020, 40 tweets

Major Events in Nigeria Since 1960.
1st October1960 Nigerians gained independence from Britain under Prime Minister Tafawa Balewa and President Nnamdi Azikiwe.
19631 OctNigeria severed its remaining ties to Britain, marking the First Republic.
#NigeriaAt60 #October1st

1964 1 DecNational parliamentary election. Another Tiv uprising heavily suppressed by police.

1965-Elections held in Western Region and Autumn Refinery completed at Port Harcourt; owned 60% by Federal Government, 40% by Shell-BP.

196615 Jan A military coup deposed the government of the First Republic. Balewa, Premier of Northern Nigeria Ahmadu Bello, and Finance Minister Festus Okotie-Eboh, were assassinated.

1966 16 Jan The Fed Military Government was formed, by General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi.

23 Feb 1966 Isaac Adaka Boro declared the secession of the "Niger Delta Republic". The secession was crushed by Ojukwu and 159 men were killed.
29 JulyA counter-coup by military officers of northern extraction deposed the Federal Military Government.

Aguiyi-Ironsi and Adekunle Fajuyi, Military Governor of the Western Region, were assassinated. General Yakubu Gowon became President.

1967-Killings of people of Eastern Nigerian origin claimed the lives of many thousands mostly Christian Igbo people, This was carried out by the Muslim Hausa and Fulani people. This triggered a migration of the Igbo back to the East.

27 May 1967 Gowon announces further subdivision of Nigeria, into twelve states. These include subdivision of the Eastern Region which will undermine its political power. Ojukwu rejected the desision.

30 May 1967 Nigerian-Biafran War: General Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, Military Governor of Eastern Nigeria, declared his province an independent republic called Biafra.

4th-5th July- Aburi Accord (confederation) was sign but Gowon rejected it.

8 Jan 1970- Ojukwu deputy Philip Effiong became acting President of Biafra.
15 Jan Effiong surrendered to Nigerian forces. Biafra was reintegrated into Nigeria.
1971- Nigeria joins Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

197322 Jan - A plane crashed in Kano, Nigeria, killing 176 people.

197529 Jan -General Yakubu Gowon was overthrown in a bloodless coup. General Murtala Mohammed became Head of State.

1976 13 Feb- Mohammed was assassinated on his way to work. His deputy, Lieutenant-General Olusegun Obasanjo, became Head of State and set a date to end military rule.
1979-Shehu Shagari won election to the Executive Presidency of the American-style Second Republic.

1 Oct - Shagari was sworn in as President.
1983- Shagari won reelection.
31 DecShagari's govt was ejected from power in a palace coup, marking the end of the Second Republic. General Muhammadu Buhari became Head of State and Chairman of the Supreme Military Council of Nigeria.

1984 17 April - The Buhari regime promulgated Decree No. 4, the "Public Officer's Protection Against False Accusation" Decree, which made it an offence to ridicule the government by publication of false information. He also created (WAI) sighting Nigerians are Indiscipline.

1985Aug- Buhari was overthrown in a palace coup. General Ibrahim Babangida became Head of State and President of the Armed Forces Ruling Council of Nigeria.
1990 April - officers, led by Major Gideon Orkar, attempt to overthrow Babangida in an unsuccessful coup.

1992- Two political parties, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the National Republican Convention (NRC) ware established by Babangida in an attempt to return to civilian rule.
1993 12 June- MKO Abiola won a presidential election. Babangida annulled the results.

26 Aug- Babangida stepped down due to pressure from the Armed Forces Ruling Council. Ernest Adegunle Oladeinde Shonekan assumed power as Interim Head of State.
17 NovShonekan was forced to resign from office. Defence Minister Sani Abacha became Head of State.

199513 Mar- The Abacha administration arrested Obasanjo for allegedly supporting a secret coup plot.
10 Nov- Human and environmental rights activist Ken Saro-Wiwa was hanged with eight others.
1998 8 Jun- Abacha died from heart attack. Abdusalami Abubakar became Head of State.

15 June1998- Obasanjo was released from prison.
199910 Feb- Obasanjo was elected President.
29 May- Obasanjo was sworn in, ushering in the Fourth Republic.
19 DecObasanjo ordered the Nigerian Armed Forces to raid the town of Odi in the Niger Delta lots of people died.

200027 Jan- Sharia was established in the predominantly Muslim state of Zamfara.
MayReligious riots erupted in Kaduna over the implementation of sharia.
5 June - The Obasanjo administration established the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC).

2002Religious riots erupt over the Miss World pageant due to be hosted in Abuja.
10 Oct-The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled against Nigeria in favor of Cameroon over the disputed oil-rich Bakassi peninsula territory.
2003- AprilObasanjo won reelection as President.

29 May 2003- Obasanjo was sworn in for a second term as President.
2004 - Obasanjo declared a state of emergency in response to the eruption of ethnoreligious violence in Plateau State.
13 JuneObasanjo met with Cameroonian President Paul Biya over Bakassi Peninsula.

1 Aug 2006-Nigerian troops began to pull out of Bakassi.
March - August2006 Several buildings collapse in Lagos killing 27 people.
21 April 2007- Umaru Yar'Adua, Governor of Katsina State, was elected President of Nigeria.

2009 23 Nov- President Umaru Yar'Adua travels to Saudi Arabia to receive treatment for a heart condition. This inspires a constitutional crises and calls for him to step down as he was deemed unfit to continue in power.

5 May 2010 - Umaru Yar'Adua, President of Nigeria pronounced dead after a long illness. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan who was already the Acting President at that time succeeds him. The Government of Nigeria declares seven days of mourning.

1 October 2010- Nigeria celebrates the Golden Jubilee of her independence (50 years). However, the celebrations are hindered by two car bombings close to the Eagles' Square in Abuja, where the elite had gathered to celebrate the golden jubilee.

By January 2012 at the end other year unjust killings had taken place.

January to February 2013 Over hundreds of Nigerians died either by Boko Haram, Militancy or Kidnappers including foreigners.

March 2013 by the end of the years Thousands of Nigerians have been killed.

January to April 2014 Events

May 2014 to June 2014 Events.

July to October 2014 Events in Nigeria.

November to December 2014 Events in Nigeria.

January to March 2015 events in Nigeria.

1 st April 2015 - Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressives Congress is elected to be the next President of Nigeria.

29 October 2015 - Suspected Boko Haram suicide bombers kill at least nine people in Maiduguri.

By January 2017 and 2018 events that occurred in Nigeria.

2019 events in Nigeria

2020 Events that occured in Nigeria.

From January to February

March to April Events in Nigeria.

May to August Events in Nigeria.

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