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Oct 2, 2020, 15 tweets

President Trump and Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19, will begin quarantine process

President Trump said that he and his wife Melania had tested positive for COVID-19 and were going into quarantine, upending the race for the White House…

U.S. stock futures extended losses after President Trump said he and his wife had tested positive for the coronavirus, weeks ahead of elections…

Oil prices extended losses to fall around 2%, while a U.S. stimulus package eluded negotiators amid ongoing worries about demand…

The U.S. dollar jumped and the safe-haven yen hit its highest level of the week after Trump said he tested positive for COVID-19…

Vice President Pence and his wife Karen test negative for COVID-19

President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence will work from separate residences, a senior White House official told @Reuters

President Trump's youngest son, Barron, tests negative for the coronavirus

President Trump, who played down the threat of the coronavirus for months, and Melania have tested positive following the diagnosis of close aide Hope Hicks.

Other prominent figures with the virus:

👴 Older
⚖️ Overweight

The factors that make Trump more vulnerable to COVID-19

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both test negative for COVID-19

Senator Mike Lee tests positive for COVID-19.

He says he will remain isolated for 10 days and would be back to work in time to consider the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany tests positive for COVID-19; she says she isn't experiencing symptoms

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