Jane Lytvynenko Profile picture
Reporting for @WSJ in Ukraine. Also focused on osint, investigations. Formerly @BuzzFeedNews, @ShorensteinCtr

Oct 2, 2020, 19 tweets

See any mis/disinfo about the Trump coronavirus diagnosis? @ me

1. Those "doomsday plane" flights were pre-planned. Fact-check here: leadstories.com/hoax-alert/202…


2. We have no evidence that the diagnosis is inaccurate or fake. Just don't do this. More on what we know here:

3. There's a fake Trump campaign fundraising email making rounds.

4. Some confusion over whether Trump has outwardly called coronavirus a "hoax." He has, in February. Source: nbcnews.com/politics/donal…

5. Two things about this video making rounds. One: It's deceptively edited to show Biden coughing. Two: It's from Sept. 30, not yesterday (source: c-span.org/video/?476408-…).

We are still waiting on test results from Biden. More on Trump's exposure here: buzzfeednews.com/article/mattbe…

6. Say no to anonymous "news" accounts.

7. These debunks are also being collected in this running post: buzzfeednews.com/article/janely…

And on Insta: instagram.com/p/CF2SPlig8WK/

Please share widely.

8. While medical treatments for the coronavirus have definitely improved, the "not as powerful" claim is false.

9. No, there isn't. This is fake.

10. Yes but also no.

11. No, the Simpsons did not air an episode showing Trump dying in office. Here's our debunk of this froooooooom 2017!

12. This is not accurate. According to the White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, the president is exhibiting mild symptoms. Source: nytimes.com/live/2020/10/0…

RE: number 9.

*extreme DJ Khaled voice* Another one!

👆To be clear, the tweet above is fake. Sorry, didn't think it would get misread for real with strikethrough and context of thread but here we are.

Hello! Instead of unrolling the thread, please support our work and read the article compiling all the false information I debunk, here: buzzfeednews.com/article/janely…

13. Yes, this is a real tweet but no, there's no evidence that the diagnosis is inaccurate or fake.

The engagement on this is very worrying.

14. This 2015 tweet from Trump has resurfaced.

While there have been many fakes of this genre, this one is real.

15. No, Pelosi wasn’t contacted by the White House about continuity of government.

The MSNBC interview the tweet is referring to states the opposite: msnbc.com/stephanie-ruhl…

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