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Oct 2, 2020, 23 tweets

On October 2nd,1950 "Peanuts" first came out
today marks the 70th year #Peanuts70

It was created by Charles Schulz and the strip from October 2, 1950, to February 13, 2000.
The first three characters where Charlie Brown, Patty, and Shermy. #Peanuts70

Snoopy first appeared on October 4th 1950 #Peanuts70

Peanuts ran 17,897 different strips, Schulz only took one vacation in 1997 for 5 weeks, #Peanuts70

Charles Schulz didn't really like the name "Peanuts" the syndicator went with that name… #Peanuts70

This is why Sunday strips had the line "Featuring Good Ole' Charlie Brown" and the specials didn't say Peanuts most of them, minus "Snoopy: The Musical" had had Charlie Brown in the title, It was the Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show, the movies made when was alive, too. #Peanuts70

Here are some Peanuts characters that were minor, and you might not know about . (in order of appearance)
Charlotte Braun , who was like some weird Charlie Brown and Lucy combo person , she wasn't liked much and she was killed off #PEANUTS70

Faron, he's a cat, Fredia's cat, but he didn't show up much.
I've mentioned 5, 3, and 4 before , Roy who will be a lead in to introducing Peppermint Patty, later on, and Jose Peterson . #Peanuts70

There's Clara (not Marcie) Sophie (pigtails) and Shirley
Also there's a Clara in "Snoopy Come Home" , probaly not the same one from the strip, #Peanuts70

Lila's an interesting character, in the sense, she was Snoopy's first owner. (Do read the strips from August 20-31st, 1968) She had to give up Snoopy because her family moved to an apartment that didn't allow pets #Peanuts70

She only appeared in the strips on August 24, 1968
She also appeared in the movie "Snoopy Come Home" and the special "Snoopy's Reunion" #Peanuts70

Thibault who was a jerk so
Poochie, only made one appearance on January 7th,1973 so that's very minor
Loretta, the girl scout or whatever is copyright safe
Snoopy' sister Belle #Peanuts70

Snoopy's an uncle, Belle has a son
He only showed up in two strips
Floyd, he liked Marcie
The Goose eggs, Austin, Ruby, Leland,(Milo's coming up) they were on the other team C.B Managed after he ran way from the tree biting incident #Peanuts70

Molly Volley ended up being Snoopy's tennis double's partner
Her nemesis is "Crybaby Boobie"
and Joe Richkid (kind of on the nose there, Schulz) #Peanuts70

Back to tennis there's "Bad Call Benny" he can be rude #Peanuts70

Snoopy's brother, Marbles,
Harold Angle , because Mr. Schulz knew a good pun
Maynard, was Peppermint Patty's very short termed tutor, Lydia was someone Linus first liked, then got annoyed because she kept changing her name #Peanuts70

This is Tapioca Pudding ,that's right there 's a character named Tapioca Pudding. What are you going to do about it?
Snoopy's other brother, Olaf, I would mention Spike, but he was there more than being a minor character, and had his own Peanuts special so.... #Peanuts70

Larry , the one in glasses in the first strip

Ethan's a fun case, he was appeared in 2 strips , called Charlie Brown's shirt stupid, and never showed up again , so Charlie Brown must have killed him.

Cormac, Charlie Brown met him and later he went to school and was in Sally's class; he liked her, but she longs for Linus #Peanuts70

Royanne Hobbs #Peanuts70

Another Snoopy member is Andy, He actually appeared in a special first before the comic strip #Peanuts70

Naomi was the final new character added to Peanuts, she was in a plotline with Spike #Peanuts70

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