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Oct 2, 2020, 13 tweets

Charlie Brown was first introduced on October 2, 1950 ,he's the only of the main characters from the start to stay a main character. #Peanuts70 #CharlieBrownDay His name appeared first in "Li'l Folks" in May 1948

Early Charlie Brown was more assertive, snarky and playful than what he would become later. #CharlieBrownDay

Snoopy eventually ended up being Charlie Brown's dog, earlier strips didn't have a noted owner. His father is a barbe, and mother a housewife #CharlieBrownDay

He first wore his zig-zag shirt in the December 20 1950 strip #CharlieBrownDay

Charlie Brown is called Charlie Brown ,by most of the other characters, like they need to remember his last name or something. Peppermint Patty and Marcie call him something else. "Chuck" and "Charles", respectively, Sally calls him Big Brother #CharlieBrownDay

Eudora also called him Charles
Peggy Jean, his one time love interest, called him Brownie Charles because of a clerical error, C.B said his name wrong, Royanne Hobbs as well #CharlieBrownDay

Emily, who may or may not exist , also called him Charles, and the Goose Egg Trio did as well #CharlieBrownDay

When Charlie Brown was older than Lucy, yeah Peanuts timeline is weird, they had a slight older brother, younger sister style of relationship #CharlieBrownDay

He's a had few love interests, of course, the Little Red-Haired Girl , who never showed up in view in the comic strips. In some specials she did. Back up name, Heather. (I liked the Peanuts movie design the most) #CharlieBrownDay

He had a girlfriend, Peggy Jean, for a short time

There's also Emily, whom again may or may not be in his mind #CharlieBrownDay

Going outside the strips, there was Mary Jo , who seems to be more Girl Linus, but yeah #CharlieBrownDay

Chuck has done a few sports , baseball is the primary one. He's managed two different teams (the other being the one with the Goose Eggs" Football , Motocross, (which he won) #CharlieBrownDay

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