Financial Imagineer | Matt Profile picture
Living, Breathing FIRE 🔥 | My goaI is to show YOU how to win in life, financially imagineering your DREAM life 🔥 | Live wealthier, wiser, happier!

Oct 2, 2020, 7 tweets

How to make enough money to retire early?

I worked in finance for years learning about assets.

People often ask me how to make "it work".

They seem to think I may hold secrets,

which may have been how I could do it...

However, that's not true, here's how to do it:



You earn money, you spend money.

Try to make it a habit to invest the difference.

Also, make the difference increasingly larger.

Don't put cash aside.

Inflation will eat away your purchasing power.

You make money by investing into assets!


Understand how the system works.

Governments around the world print money.

That's how recessions and wars are fought.

Learn about inflation and purchasing power.

Find assets that grow and protect you from inflation.

Align your interests with those of governments.


Learn to read the tax code.

Learn about how to shield your assets from taxes.

Learn how retirement accounts work.

Learn how to use them.

Optimize your asset and income mix!


Don't run after money!

Instead learn what problems need to get solved.

Identify and help solving problems big and small.

Provide value to your social circle and ecosystem.

The bigger the problems you help to solve, the better.

Adding value will create value!


Following the above, you will have found your purpose.

It's not money, wealth or power that guides you.

Fancy cars, houses and luxury have zero appeal to you.

Focus on the simple things and enjoy life!

Adding value to the world will reward you.


Learn to make a difference rather than (just) a profit.

Pay it forward.

Tell your story.

Inspire and teach.

There's no treasure chest at the end of the rainbow.

Walking the rainbow is as good as it get!

Enjoy your life.


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