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Oct 3, 2020, 5 tweets

My favorite Peanuts Movie is "Race for Your Life , Charlie Brown" I wish it had more boat race , but it's still a fun movie. #Peanuts70

Now, I will say that "A Boy Named Charlie Brown" is the best Peanuts movie, and it's the first movie, It does a good job of feeling cinematic , overall, it's my 3rd in my list of the 5 movies. (There's no movie I dislike from Peanuts) #Peanuts70

"Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (and Don't come back)" is my second favorite. there's something to it that I enjoy. Plus you get to see Snoopy drive a car. It has a slightly darker tone to it at last 3rd #Peanuts70

"Snoopy, Come Home" kind of felt like it has fiiller, but then part of it makes senses makes it where everyone (not Charlie Brown) is annoyed with Snoopy but miss him when he leaves anyway, and gives Snoopy an internal conflict. It's a good movie #peanuts70

The Peanuts movie, is a good movie, still fancy computer generated stuff, but not bad, I do like how it connected seemingly random things into one narrative , honestly there's parts that got to me emotionally. #Peanuts70

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