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Oct 3, 2020, 6 tweets

President Trump is in hospital after being diagnosed with coronavirus

He has been treated with an experimental drug cocktail injection and the antiviral medication Remdesivir

[A thread]

President Trump was flown to a military hospital on Friday after contracting Covid-19

The White House says the move is out of an "abundance of caution"

President Trump is said to be "fatigued but in good spirits" and "doing very well"

The White House says he is not in need of supplemental oxygen

Ex-adviser Kellyanne Conway, campaign manager Bill Stepien and two Republican senators - Mike Lee and Thom Tillis – have also tested positive for coronavirus

Joe Biden, who debated the president on Tuesday, has tested negative for coronavirus

The Democratic presidential candidate is suspending all negative campaign advertisements

First Lady Melania Trump also has the virus and is recuperating at the White House

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