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Oct 3, 2020, 13 tweets

Time once again for my occasional series "Women with great hair fleeing gothic houses!"

And today all our ladies are fleeing 1972...

When fleeing a gothic castle be sure to colour co-ordinate!

The Fortune Hunters, by Joan Aiken. Pocket Books, 1972.

No, you're meant to flee, not go back!

The Return, by Daoma Winston. Avon Books, 1972.

"The horror. The horror..."

The Night Of Four Hundred Rabbits, by Elizabeth Peters. Dell, 1972.

'Ludes man. I'm telling you...

The Possession Of Elizabeth Calder, by Melissa Napier. Ravenswood Gothic, 1972.

Does not actually involve hornets...

Hornet's Nest, by Evelyn Bond. Avon Gothic Original, 1972 Cover by Walter Popp

When the title fits the author...

The Mark Of The Rope, by Miriam Lynch. Avon Satanic Gothic, 1972.

A Finger To Her Lips, by Evelyn Berckman. Dell Gothic, 1972. Cover by Lou Marchetti.

Face Of An Angel, by Dorothy Eden. Ace Gothic, 1972.

The Bird In The Chimney, by Dorothy Eden. Coroner, 1972.

Seminar in Evil, by Daoma Winston. Lancer Easy-Eye Gothic, 1972.

Lord Satan, by Louisa Bronte. Avon Satanic Gothic, 1972.

The forgotten Brontë sister...

More great hair and gothic houses another time. Mind how you flee now...

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