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Oct 3, 2020, 6 tweets

It's October 3rd! 📅

We're ready to welcome back our first audience in SEVEN MONTHS! How excited are we?



We would have liked some better weather, in fact, there is a 30% chance that it's already raining ☔️

#MeanGirlsDay #TheNewTomorrow

But the storm isn't going to stop us because we've really missed having audiences in our building...

Welcoming you back IS SO FETCH!

#MeanGirlsDay #TheNewTomorrow

For those joining us this weekend, you'll notice that our auditorium now has 79 single socially-distanced seats.

So you CAN sit with us but 1 metre apart, and remember to keep your face covering on at all times during the performance.

#MeanGirlsDay #TheNewTomorrow

Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms should stay home... don't worry, the show will be live-streamed tomorrow via Facebook Live:…

#MeanGirlsDay #TheNewTomorrow

Last but not least:

Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimised by the COVID-19 pandemic 🙋

#MeanGirlsDay #TheNewTomorrow

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