UnderThatStone Profile picture
This is a fight between good and evil. Guide us through the darkness to a safe and sane future (JFK).

Oct 3, 2020, 8 tweets


Melania changed the old RED rose to white.

The white rose glorifies a love that is unaware of the temptations of the flesh and resides only in the soul.

Red rose speaks of passionate promises.
- the meaning of a white rose is in its simplicity and pristine purity.


Look for it.
- it's everywhere.

Corn> harvest> maze.
- Halloween maze.




Baby related (yup...always).
- link.

Is Bowie trash?
- you got my vote... YES.


It's going to be a tough month.
- stay strong.


[THEY] mock the fuk out of you, if you have not seen it.
- [they] hate the chances of failure they now have due to a new President and his stance on trafficking.


What president stood their ground on trafficking this much?
- watch who screams the loudest?


➡️The choice to know was always yours.

- end thread.
@threadreaderapp unroll it.

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