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Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

Oct 4, 2020, 8 tweets

The witchfinders are out because @RosieDuffield1 liked a tweet in which I used the word cross dresser

Stonewall say trans includes "cross dressers"

Global Butterflies (who contributed to the SRA template ) says "transgender" developed to cover 3 terms: transsexual, drag queen and cross dresser

The SRA template uses the term gender expression

Meaning clothing, haircut, voice on a full or part time basis....

Or as Stonewall tells the kids, if you are a girl you might dress in a certain way or read certain books

The SRA says that if a male colleague decides their gender expression means they feel more comfortable using the ladies them they can.

And as an elected representative if you so much as like a tweet questioning whether the lawmakers really did intend this, the enforcers will pop up to condemn you and invite you for a struggle session.

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