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This is a fight between good and evil. Guide us through the darkness to a safe and sane future (JFK).

Oct 4, 2020, 17 tweets


- all you sports fans out there know that you take your kiddos to practice for soccer, football, and baseball etc.

Would you disagree that the US MIL "chain of command" runs scrimmages all the time?
- the outcomes did not look good.


If the scrimmages (results) kept showing that the American public would face the largest coordinated event ever, but LOST, ...it would NOT be good.

What if everything PLANNED was going to be turned on like an engine to run against the strongest country ever?


➡️A scenario to beat that LOSS.
- who would be the face of it, and how would you get out the information to the good people/players left?

Who the hell would even believe you if you tried to tell them?

🗝️🇺🇸KEY PLAYER (reminder)🇺🇸⬇️


🗝️How would you be able to bypass the fake news and bad actors on the field?
- how could you protect and use the wireless device in the American people's hand to communicate to them if things got REAL BAD?

- (Presidential) Wireless Emergency Alert System.


How could you protect the satellites that would keep the connection to the good players left, if the bad players had weapons in the skies too?

- a silent war in the skies.


How could you provide (to those paying attention) enough valuable information to even make sense?

How many coordinated events and coincidences would there need to be?
🗝️- enough to systematically become mathematically impossible...


In such a scenario of war games, you would need to gain support of former and future military leaders.

Even the smallest of gestures would count.

How would you make the largest amount of damage, but with the smallest amount of casualties?


The "bad actors/players" would see it coming as [they] had plenty of equipment set in place.

How quiet would you have to be?
- how many people/actors/players would you have to meet?


🗝️➡️Playing the game.

The best part as an underdog, is that your opponents have difficulty judging your strengths.

How would you ride the fine line of NOT "showing your hand?"


- with the whole world watching.

How could you prove that you are NOT a dictator imprisoning players the minute power was gained?


By seizing the other sides playbook, civil unrest and full scale war at home (on a large scale) could be prevented.

How would you prevent as much damage as possible to the American public without an absolute war breaking out into the streets?


🗝️Inner strength.

How strong do you have to be to watch what seems like the whole world is laughing or against you?

What advantages are created by "pretending to be weak?"


For those watching a fight, how well does it look when the bully throws the first punch?

What conditions or qualifications are met after the punch?
- does it activate any specific "act or actions?"


🗝️Conditions and/or qualifications met.

This video is "extremely relevant" to throwing a first punch, and collaboration with the enemy.


🗝️When enemy players finally see...

How bad will it get for [them] without action?

Popular opinion must be "controlled."
- think media.
- think psychological PROJECTION.


🗝️When do you show your final hand?

Pain digs deeply, but timing is everything.

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