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Oct 4, 2020, 13 tweets

It’s been a while but I’m in the mood for cooking today.

Guess what it is about?

The « who’s gonna cry first? » challenge/step.

Remove the garlic germs (they aren’t good for digestion).

Once the onions have sweat, cut the garlic roughly and add them into the cooking pot.

Remove the onions and the garlic and step them aside from the pot.

Cut the lamb into pieces. Add some vegan oil in the pot and turn up the fire to 11 🤘 for the lamb to color for less than 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, murder the tomatoes (note: keep all the juice) and cut some green onions too.

Monitor the lamb.

Calm down the fire. Put the onions and garlic back upon the lamb. Add all the tomatoes on top. Some freshly sliced green onions. Some chunks of eggplant.

Boil 2 glasses of water and mix the indian curry and korma in it. Add those 2 big glasses of curried water into the pot.

Put some greenish stuffs into the pot, add the eggplant... some salt & pepper and make it cook (mild fire) for an hour or so.

Perfect timing to make our indian bread (naan).

Plain flour, salt, sugar, yogourt, oil.

Some rest covered

30 minutes later, divide the dough into balls, put your cast-iron skillet on high heat, and sponge some oil into it.

The high heat makes the dough rises and fills the middle part of the bread with air pockets. #naan

Line the bread with oil. Once one bread is burnt with brown “blisters” or spots appear, just split the bread into 4 in order to break it.

Then, store it on a plate with aluminium paper to keep it warm until the lunch/dinner.

Once your bread is ready, chop your coriander/cilantro and the green leaves of your cives and put them into the pot.

I said one hour of medium heat but it’s better to cook it 2 hours while regularly mixing it to prevent from burning.

Now that it’s too late for your kid to eat 🤦‍♂️😄you can serve your « Jaycaran-style lamb curry » with your warm naan aside and some Carignan-Grenache-Mourvèdre and Syrah wine to drink with it. 👍

If you can wait the day after to eat, it’s even better 😉

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