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Oct 4, 2020, 8 tweets

Important chart pattern in technical analysis . If we go towards lower TF to higher TF the success rate of that patterns increases
#techicalanalysis (weekend learning)


Double top has 70% success rate , it normally formed when stock at their peak



Double bottom is just opposite of double top . Its success rate also 70% according to technical boys , it is normally formed when price is rejected to go lower from previous low



Cup&handle pattern is also very popular pattern that normally formed when stock normally got corrected & again come to same level .its success rate also good 60%.



Normally formed top of market , success rate are 50% .
lower then other patterns



Ascending tringle pattern normally formed at consoldiation stage of market.

success rate 60%
after BO ascending in large TF stocks can be multibaggers

It's opposite is #descending tringle pattern.
Normally formed at top of market & stocks


#risingwedge -normally formed top of market ,good success rate 60%

#fallingwedge -normally formed bottom of market. (Stocks can be multibaggers after correcting this form of pattern )


#Pennat or #flag 🚩

Pennat or flag normally formed when stock are rising or Declining .

They are continuation pattern in uptrend & downtrend
Success rate -60%


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