Joel Giftson Profile picture

Oct 4, 2020, 26 tweets

If any of you have ever studied in a Christian school y'all would have known about the "scripture union" which is a Christian missionary group which preaches to the children in schools around the world. For several years there was this guy called Sam Jaisundar who was the 1/n

Director of this organization in in Tamil Nadu. This man has been sending inappropriate messages to girls in schools around the country asking them to video call him, meet him alone and also said he wishes to cuddle with them. Today the a girl from Ida Scudder School, Vellore 2/n

This has been going from 2016 as much as I know and the girls are coming out one by one. The scripture union has been the most pedophilic organization in this country. Till now there hasn't been any action taken on this asshole from the organization. Christian pedophiles has 3/n

Been a serious issue in the world. It's time we put a stop to this right now. Let's stop our children from being victims of sexual harassments in school. I'll share some screenshots of the girls that have put stories in Instagram. Kindly RT so it reaches the concerned 4/n

Authorities and also parents.

The girls all have got scared and have deleted the chats long back so here is the only screenshot I have of a conversation between a girl and a guy from the scripture union called Rueben.

I just got some screenshots from the people who have been victim of Sam Jaisundar's pedophilia.

Kindly pardon my English I have tweeted all this in a hurry. Kindly take the look at the screenshots I have shared in the thread. All the girls that have been a victim are between 12 and 17 years

More screenshots coming in from the victims. He has apparently deleted his accounts in all social media out of shame.

Women are coming out one by one. This is what the guy called Sam Jaisundar has sent to a woman when she was in her 9th grade.

More screenshots of the guy named Sam coming in from the victims. All this is totally disgusting.

This is another conversation between a guy named Reuben Clement from the same Scripture Union organization and a girl.

There is more coming in from the guy called Sam who has been haunting girls for years

The last 3 or 4 tweets are conversations this Sam guy had with a woman when she was in high school.

This is another guy named Albert from the same organization Scripture Union. Nothing inappropriate but has tried to video call this girl without her consent. He's a married man. This girl thankfully didn't pick up his calls.

More of Reuben Clement

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