The Dirty Truth (Josh) Profile picture
I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

Oct 4, 2020, 5 tweets

.@DevinNunes says in Jan 2017 we asked all the dirty cops where did this dirt come from and none of them seem to know the answer. Now we know everyone knew the answer except for the Republicans.

.@DevinNunes says from what he understands there’s more underlying evidence that backs up what @DNI_Ratcliffe put out.

.@DevinNunes says every Republican in the house and senate should be saying this is over we want all of the documents now or maybe it’s time to start shutting these agencies down.

.@DevinNunes says The Russian spy that the Democrats hired that worked at the Brookings Institute was interviewed three times. We need to see three reports.

Apparently Andrew McCabe won’t testify because he’s fearful of catching Covid through a zoom meeting.

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