Aisha Shaikh Profile picture
Nephrologist @MSKCancerCenter , @MSK_Neph | Interested in Vascular Access & Onconephrology | Tweets are not medical advice | Opinions my own

Oct 14, 2020, 6 tweets

💥New meta-analysis reports CV, Kidney & Mortality outcomes with SGLT2i use with & without Metformin

⚡️Before reviewing the meta-analysis check out this Tweetorial on Should Metformin be the 1st line therapy in T2DM patients?👇🏽

⚡️In the meta-analysis, 6 SGLT2i vs Placebo RCTs were included:

-4 trials were CV outcome trials (EMPA-REG, CANVAS, DECLARE-TIMI, VERTIS-CV)

-1 trial was a Kidney outcome trial

-1 trial was a Heart Failure trial

💥Total number of participants from the 6 RCTs were 51,743

💥Baseline Metformin use varied across the trials as shown below:

⚡️21% in DAPA-HF
⚡️58% in CREDENCE
⚡️74%-82% in EMPA-REG, CANVAS,

💥Results: CV outcome

⚡️SGLT2i ⬇️ major adverse cardiovascular events regardless of baseline Metformin use 👇🏽

⚡️SGLT2i ⬇️ hospitalization for heart failure & CV death👇🏽

💥Results:Kidney outcome & All-cause mortality

⚡️SGLT2i ⬇️ worsening of kidney function, ESKD, kidney death similarly in pts. receiving Metformin vs patients not receiving Metformin
⚡️SGLT2i ⬇️ risk of all-cause mortality regardless of Metformin use 👇🏽

💥So should Metformin be the 1st-line therapy for T2DM patients especially the patients at high risk for CV events?
⚡️The European Society of Cardiology changed their recommendations last year - see below👇🏽
⚡️Should other societies follow?

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