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Body Language & Emotional Intelligence Expert • Physician • Anti-Fascist • RT≠endorsement • #LGBTQ Ally • #BLM • https://t.co/qFVwJ2nW4A 🇺🇦

Oct 23, 2020, 36 tweets

1/ THREAD: Large, white, particulate debris ejected from Trump's mouth/nose *at least 38 times* during a Press scrum at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport on October 19, 2020, just prior to departing for a rally in Tucson.

2/ While this is profoundly unpleasant and for many, a nauseating topic to watch and evaluate, it's profoundly important. Many witnesses have made public statements regarding Trump's chronic abuse of cocaine, Adderall, and other drugs.

3/ Trump's bilateral, intermittent, extremely dilated pupils (oftentimes 8 or 9 mm in diameter) are a result of drugs. From an ophthalmologic and neurological perspective, no other explanation is logical. These pupillary findings are long-standing, documented, and quantifiable.

4/ Please take special note, to see most of these pieces of white particulate matter, you must view this video on a laptop or desktop (not a phone screen). Moreover, you'll miss most of them if you're watching at regular speed (use the 1/2 or 1/4 speed on Youtube video setting).

5/ This first piece of white debris seen at 0:24 as he says the word, "fine".

6/ Another white chunk as he says, "separate" (0:25).

7/ Another just after he says, "I think" (0:58).

8/ Yet another just after Trump says, "that" (0:59).

9/ Two pieces can be seen here at 1:00 as he says, "I think".

10/ More white debris at 1:01 as he says, "very".

11/ Again, at 1:02 as he says, "it's".

12/ The meteor shower continues as he says, "highly" (1:07).

13/ As Trump says, "John", we see yet another (1:15).

14/ Two chunks are visible at 1:19 as Trump says, "close".

15/ At 1:47, as he says, "something", two more white somethings are projected.

16/ The National Weather Service issues a hail warning, at 1:50 as four (yes, 4) pieces fall as Trump said, "big".

17/ Another at 2:07 as Trump says, "up".

18/ Also during 2:07 as he says, "before".

19/ Another as he says, "that" (2:08).

20/ Two more, both during 2:08 as he says, "people".

21/ Another as he says, "Important" 2:19.

22/ Two more, as Trump says, "Thousand" (2:23).

23/ One as he says, "incredible" and two more immediately after he says, "incredible" (2:26).

24/ At 4:33 as he says, "shouldn't".

25/ Again as Trump says, "stocks" (5:14).

26/ Another as he says, "housing" (5:40).

27/ Two more as he says, "percent" (5:50).

28/ Another as he says, "and" (5:56).

29/ More as he says, "administration" (5:57).

30/ And the 38th piece gets expelled at 6:15, just after he says, "these".

31/ Here is one time Trump's prosthesis slipped. This is quite dramatic — particularly toward the end, as Trump says, "United States".

32/ Here's another time his prosthesis slipped.

Listen to Trump lisp/slur at 0:28 as he says, "Listen to this".

33/ SUMMARY: Donald Trump is a severe, long-term, drug abuser. With very high probability, he has developed a hole in his hard palate as a result of ischemic necrosis from cocaine abuse.


34/ He has an oral prosthesis, to cover the hole, but it occasionally slips out of place and/or he manipulates it (a variety of nervous tic-like behavior.

Trump can very easily refute this claim by allowing cameras to film the roof of his mouth.

35/ MSM, please ask Trump about his drug abuse, this oral prosthesis — and also, why his pupils are so often so widely dilated.


36/ Addendum: The last 6 tweets in the original thread were removed via a hacker. I've just reposted these.

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