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Author: Teaching: Presentations: Working on:

Oct 26, 2020, 26 tweets

Bitcoin is the sponge with unlimited absorption.

Soaking up the world’s capital, protecting purchasing power.

Bitcoin is a monetary hurricane.

Increasing in intensity offshore, striking jurisdictions suffering from droughts of political trust.

Shocking stale & over-burdensome institutions, dislodging underutilized capital.

Bitcoin Knowledge Stack:

6. Mechanics of Bitcoin⚙️
5. Evolution of money as a technology🐚
4. How demographics, institutions & technology interact⚗️
3. Lenses for viewing problems + opportunities🔬
2. Advancements in energy conversion drives change🚀
1. How humans cooperate 🤝

Software is 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 eating the world.

Bitcoin is dematerializing store of value assets the same way that smartphones dematerialized consumer goods.

Throughout history, individuals and empires have benefited by stealing value from the rest of society through distorting the money.

It should therefore come as no surprise as to why someone in power might oppose a money that cannot be debased, inflated or manipulated.


"When a central bank compromises the scarcity of money they’re corrupting the denominator of prices- the system through which we communicate.

The price signal is best conveyed in a money that has ideally zero unexpected supply change, that'd be the perfect money." @Breedlove22

"There's never been an example of a $100b dollar monster digital network that was vanquished once it got to that dominant position.

Find a digital dominant network that dematerialized some fundamental thing.

Bitcoin is the monetary network."


"Bitcoin is a radical break from the past, so understanding the way traditional money works doesn’t help you understand bitcoin. If anything, it hinders [it]

The people who understand bitcoin the least are monetary economists. They cannot wrap their heads around it."

"When you have a million people in the US who have seen tremendous gains in their bitcoin in your constituency saying ‘don't attack this, you’re hurting my pocketbook’.. it’s going to have a big impact on the message to the people who get elected to congress."

Bitcoin is like the board game Monopoly but instead of unlimited money & limited assets, there's limited money & unlimited assets.

The value accrues to the money.

Computing unleashed the power of 𝘻𝘦𝘳𝘰 marginal cost of replication at scale.

Bitcoin unleashed the power of 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘦 marginal cost of replication through the invention of absolute scarcity.

“The genius of Bitcoin,.., is not in creating any new abstruse mathematics or cryptographic breakthrough, but in putting together decades-old pieces in a semi-novel but extremely unpopular way."

-@gwern (Bitcoin Is Worse Is Better)

"The road to serfdom consists of working exponentially 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳 in order to earn a currency growing exponentially 𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘳."


"In computer science, a protocol is a ruleset that governs the transmission of data. The an integration of four successive layers of open-source protocols.

In this context, Bitcoin can be considered the fifth layer of the internet protocol suite."

"Digitization is advantageous across all five traits of money.

1. "can be infinitely subdivided and recombined at near-zero cost"
2. "can move at the speed of light"
3. "is absolutely scarce"
4. "is objectively discernible"
5. "does not decompose"


"The platypus was so distinct that scientists had to create a new animal category to accommodate it..

Bitcoin has features from many different assets, it doesn’t fit neatly into any pre-existing categories.

Like the platypus, Bitcoin is a category creator."

Innovation regularly births new ways of sending & receiving information.

Networks get built-out around the methods that are faster, cheaper, more accessible, more reliable or more precise.

These become additional layers for humans to coordinate, communicate and cooperate.

“The first lesson of economics is 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺: there is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it.

The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”

-Thomas Sowell

Bitcoin demand grows by taking a slice out of 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 pies.

🟠 Draining the monetary premium from store of value assets
🔵 Replacing fiat allocations in portfolios
🟡 Re-denominating business models in bitcoin-terms

“Open-source is very much a meritocracy.
You have the hive mind building solutions.

Bitcoin Core is probably one of the most heavily scrutinized codebases in the world. And all that scrutiny comes back to security.

Openness gives confidence.”


“It does not matter how complex bitcoin is. At the end of the day, bitcoin becomes an A/B test.

Currency A has a fixed supply. Currency B does not.

Currency A keeps increasing in value relative to Currency B.

Which one do I want? A or B?"

“I’ve been thinking about the history of money like a March Madness bracket.

Like shells goes up against aggry beads. Who’s the more scarce money? Who wins, survives and advances to go up against the number #1 seed- gold.

The finals is gold vs. bitcoin..”

“Bitcoin effectively combines gold’s salability across time with fiat’s salability across space..”

-The Fiat Standard, @saifedean

“The first step to understanding Bitcoin is to admit you do not understand Bitcoin.”


“You might be an exception but virtually all Bitcoin critics fall into one of these four categories:”


“Layers become a way to think about money’s natural hierarchy..ranked in order of superiority from top to bottom..

All second-layer monies are pay first-layer money. They all have counterparty risk.”


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