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Nov 14, 2020, 9 tweets

Our Mad Dog family from #NewMexico has breaking news. It's disturbing. We received this information from multiple reliable sources & believe it to be true; however, we will continue to research this issue.

Here it is:


@RepDebHaaland @NMPED @mcfuse3313 @NMDOH @koat7news

There's currently (at least) 1 teacher in the ICU & (at least) 3 who tested positive for COVID-19 over the last week or so. The superintendent of Gallup-McKinley County Schools, Mike Hyatt, placed a gag order on school principals/staff re. employees who have/had COVID-19. 2/9

This man is jeopardizing the citizens of McKinley County, which encompasses #Gallup, #ZuniPueblo & the #Navajo Nation. These are communities that many of you, & Mad Dog PAC, have worked hard to help. Our partners at the Emergency Operations Center in Gallup are wonderful. 3/9

The EOC crew are working hard to protect the community.

The entire region has been through pain, hardship & grief this year. When schools reopened, the district provided written procedures for dealing w/COVID-19 outbreaks, but the district is not following those procedures. 4/9

When they failed to provide PPE, the teachers union successfully sued to delay reopening until they could procure PPE.

The district is currently hiding behind HIPPA laws to justify not communicating to staff or parents about new cases. 5/9

@NNPrezNez @navajotimes @JTorresKOB

Teachers are expected to decontaminate their classrooms. The school district is not doing contact tracing & testing. They are not closing & cleaning facilities when new cases emerge or informing students within those classrooms or their families. 6/9

@KRQE_DeanStaley @rstew42

Furthermore, teachers & staff who are discovered filing complaints are facing retaliation from the district & the superintendent. Though there are no written directives, staff & teachers have been told to watch out – to be careful with whom they speak. 7/9

@TeresaForNM @KOB4

Ooopsie, Mike! That didn’t work. If there are New Mexico politicians or journalists following on Twitter, please look into this before this guy ignites another super spreader scenario in Gallup, Zuni & the Navajo Nation. 8/9

@KRQE_Yingling @JamiSeymore @LyseeMitri @GovMLG @krqe

Mad Dog PAC will continue to follow up & gather more info about the situation. 9/9

@BrittanyKOAT @ShellyeKOAT @KaiPorterKOB @BrittanyKOB @RyanLaughlinKOB

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