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Nov 21, 2020, 12 tweets

Another Grayzone joint. Here, they defend disinfo hub, American Herald Tribune, an apparent cutout fashioned by the government of Iran and run by a man who was asked to resign from his uni after they investigated claims he spread Holocaust denial and other conspiracy theories.

That conspiracy theorist, Anthony Hall, can be seen here in Tehran at a conference that is, by any measure, a spook bonanza where the nuttiest fascists in the world can pretend to listen to each other's excruciatingly boring bloviations. He's posing with some wild ones, folks.

First of all, the man who apparently took this photo is Kevin Barrett, an old friend and fellow believer in the "multipolar world," a geopolitical fig leaf for authoritarian regimes. They're close buddies, as you can see. Barrett thinks Biden color revolutioned the elections.

The fellow in that photo from Tehran standing directly to Hall's right is Wayne Madsen, a "former" LaRouchite who gave an obsequious interview to Hall's site (American Herald Tribune) in which he described his theory that Mossad did 9/11.

And to Hall's left is Pepe Escobar, one of the Grayzone's favorite geopoliticians, a buddy of fascist Aleksandr Dugin (to his left), in whose journal he's published and w whom he joined for a fash chat. Also thinks ISIS is Mossad revenge for Rothschild in Moscow or something.

These guys all pretend to be "anti-imperialists" through the lens of "multipolarism," which contrives a geopolitical edifice out of the "axis of resistance" (Iran-Assad-Hezbollah) and associated authoritarian states (Russia-China-Venezuela). They generally promote the same stuff.

Here's Grayzone's Gareth Porter, himself, at the same Tehran conference regularly attended by Escobar, Hall, Barrett, et al., and on RT w Escobar. He also likes the US far-right, going on a podcast for League of the South's Tom Woods and writing for American Conservative.

That's not out of the ordinary for Grayzone, whose contributors repost AmCon stuff and appear on their podcast, as well as going on Tucker Carlson to defend authoritarians and own teh libs, etc.

None of this is grounded in some form of die-hard civil libertarian dedication to free speech. It's grounded in affinity and mutually-held conspiracy theories about the White Helmets, denial of Uighur genocide, and so on. You can see Ned Borton defending this gross crew here:

GlobalResearch publishes the most insane pro-Kremlin theories especially from SouthFront, Korybko who's a Dugin acolyte, and The Duran, whose Russian associates supported the Trump caravan in Portland. These sites share a specific geopolitical line promoted by Grayzone.

Grayzone dolts literally threatened to sue the SPLC to have my fact-checked and responsible reporting silenced, so don't believe for a second they don't have affinity for the Holocaust deniers and conspiracy theorists they defend and promote.…

They're deprecated by Wikipedia for a reason, lol.

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