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☀️ Space lasers are all my own. ‘Well dodgy’, ‘Back channel’ controller. Inventor of the 'Kosher zigzag'. Winner of 'Jew of the Day'🏅

Nov 28, 2020, 24 tweets

Second rate comedians joke about Jewish kids murdered in the Holocaust to seem edgy and relevant. It’s ‘trending’ is the excuse

Because of Brexit, 12.2k followers are told that Britain is now indistinguishable from Nazi Germany. Apart from the fascism and dead Jews of course. What a ‘humanist’

Remembering murdered Jews with dignity is now considered offensive in some quarters.

So someone objecting to Jewish genocide being appropriated for point scoring is made to apologise. 🤦‍♂️

Meanwhile people in a country who murdered their Jewish population and destroyed any sign they existed now compare themselves to those Jews.

Is because they are going to be murdered? No, quite the opposite. They are protesting being given a potentially life saving vaccine

Alicia at ‘lip filler academy’ persuades people to inject stuff into their faces for cosmetic reasons.

But a potentially life saving vaccine injection? She says that is *just* like Auschwitz, where almost a million Jews were killed

Some of this is pure projection of guilt:
✅Citizens of a country cleansed of Jews claiming to be like murdered Jews
✅ Someone who does injections claiming a vaccine injection is just like Auschwitz
✅ One of the worst human rights offenders claims Europe act just like Nazis

And joining the roll call of shame is Fox News. One of their hosts compares the refusal to host a far right social media platform to Kristallnacht.

Kristallnacht, where Jews were lynched and over 30,000 sent to concentration camps. Jewish life was literally destroyed.

Where does it all leave us? When a high profile Jewish person asks what people think of vaccine passports, he gets sent the Nazi yellow star with “unvaccinated” replacing the word “Jew”.

The suffering of our murdered families are being erased for people to make infantile points

Canada’s national news org with 1.8 million followers imagines that the inconvenience of lockdown was just like being Anne Frank.

The author even imagines she might be Jewish because of her ‘prominent features’

A comedy show isn’t commissioned to have a fifth series by the BBC. Somehow people manage to extrapolate that this is just what the Nazis did

Jews are tired. We have been persistently demonised with negative stereotypes, and yet our suffering is the first thing people reach for to appropriate.

It’s frustrating that a society built on our suffering also minimises it

Government ministers talking in front of flags is a bit silly, but it is NOT industrial scale genocide by a fascist state.

This pathetic comparison minimises the horrors of the Holocaust using totally false equivalence.

The blue hearts in all of those profiles mean ‘love your NHS’. But you don’t spread love by spreading hate.

A more accurate comparison of populist flag bearing might be the Trump presidency for example. Not the people known for exterminating Jews

People feel so brave about appropriating the horrific suffering imposed on Jews by Nazis, that they go out with yellow stars on to protest Covid lockdown

Vaccinating a population against a contagious disease is not a “slippery slope” to a situation like how the Nazis eradicated the Jews.

Because you aren’t even Jewish. You are Christian.

This man was Director of US intelligence!

Which just goes to show, there is no bar for stupid, selfish, irresponsible, racially motivated offensive comments

Apparently evidence of vaccination transforms you into a Jew headed for the gas chamber in 1930s Germany. The idiocy is never ending

“If you eat meat then it’s like you are responsible for the Holocaust”, a vegan brand tells over 40k followers.

Ironically Hitler was a vegetarian who also used scare tactics to put dinner guests off meat.

Dan has 11.4k followers, to who he claims anti-vax conspiracy theorists are like Jews headed to certain death

Jews are still the most attacked minority, and yet Dan claims people who choose not to take a vaccine have superseded us. His followers duly respond to his call

Lawrence Fox again - now he’s running to be London Mayor but he’s still using Holocaust comparisons

They call Jews Nazis while wearing their removable yellow stars like a fashion accessory. Jews couldn’t take their stars off

You can read more about the links between Covid skeptics, antisemitism and fascists in this thread

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