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FACTS: Facts Authentic Clumsy Troll Sarcasm

Nov 30, 2020, 6 tweets

.@free_thinker is just a hindu hater, masquerading as a fact-checker. made his career abusing Modi n fake propagandas, using Truth of Gujarat, then eopinion/Altnews.
1- Using picture of 2014 to show a woman suffering due to demonatisation in 2016.
archive- archive.is/yOCPG

2- Using picture of 2004 to mock Gau Rakshak in 2016. In the picture in 2004 many cows had died to due to Nitrate poisoning but @free_thinker using this pic in 2016 to mock Gau Rakshak.
Archive- archive.is/jIhjW

3- Peddles lie that PM Modi had promised ₹15 Lakh to everyone during 2014 election campaign. This was even fact-checked by their own people but @free_thinker or @AltNews never published an article calling it false.

4- @free_thinker shares just headline of article to target PM Modi and his clean Ganga initiative.
But in article NGT was actually praising PM Modi for starting project and was questioning state government(Akhilesh) and others.

5- @free_thinker claims that this old man was crying because he did not get money but in real he was in pain because a woman had stepped on his leg. Old man also said that apart from this he didnt face much problem.

6- @free_thinker uses media clip claiming UP police stopped a marriage of couples from different faith. But UP police had taken action after receiving missing complaint from girl's family.
"Morally and ideologically bankrupt fact checkers, @AltNews ".

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