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Archived Account (Changed Username) Formerly Millions of IQs

Dec 6, 2020, 25 tweets

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A thread debunking the feminist myth that what you wear doesn't matter, and clothing doesn't prevent sexual harassments. (Proven with scientific studies on the topic)

Short summary: Yes the hijab does prevent sexual harassments and attracts less male attention

Scientific studies have shown women are aware of the sexual signals their clothing sends:

1- Women who wore immodest clothing did so in order to flirt with strangers.

2- Women who wore sexual clothing did so in order to have sex with strangers.


More scientific studies confirm these findings, and have also shown women who wear immodest or sexual clothing self-objectify themselves, which cause anxiety, unhappiness, body-dissatisfaction, and body shame.


Another study found that women who want to have sex with strangers (i.e short term relationships) choose to wear immodest/sexual to attract those types of men.

Whereas women who wanted long term relationships (i.e marriages) wore modest clothing.


Studies on objectification show that only women who dressed sexually were objectified.

fMRI scans found that alpha males, despite being attracted to sexualized women, saw them as objects, & felt disgusted by them. But they did not objectify modest women.


Another study also found via fMRI scans that *both* men & women see women who dress sexually as objects, and didn't feel empathy for them when witnessing them in pain.

Whereas they see women who dress modestly as humans.


Studies have also found that women who dressed in sexual clothing are more likely to be sexually harassed and dehumanized/objectified.

Men stated they felt more comfortable sexually harassing women who dressed in sexual clothing.


Scientific studies have also shown that children are not safe from this.

Children who wear sexual clothing also are objectified and not shown empathy or given help.

A big nail in the coffin for those who oppose children wearing hijabs.


Another scientific study found similar results. There are negative effects from children wearing sexual clothing, such as sexual harassment from other boys.

As well as normalizing the role of a "immodest sexualized female".

Only the hijab prevents this.


Studies on the hijab have found compared to non-Muslim Western women, Muslim women who wear conservative Islamic clothing (hijabs/abayas) had higher self-esteem, better body image, healthier body weight, felt less sexually objectified & more respected.


Another study focusing only on Muslim women found similar results:

1 - Women who dressed in hijabs had better body satisfaction

2 - Women who rejected western culture were less likely to be peer pressured by unhealthy Western media beauty standards


Scientific studies have also found that wearing Islamic clothing prevents sexual harassment.

Wearing hijab/niqabs resulted in lower rates of sexual objectification & sexual harassment.

The more conservative the clothing the lower the sexual harassment.


It was also found that men were scared to sexually harass Muslim women as their hijab made them seem "less approachable"


Another study found that wearing more modest clothing protects Muslim women's body image & mental health from unrealistic Western media beauty standards.

More religiosity was related to lower body dissatisfaction/objectification, & less eating disorders.


Another study found that wearing the hijab, results in more positive body image, less fixation with appearance & less reliance on Western media beauty standards.


Another study found that wearing hijabs helps women resist sexual objectification and make them more respected.

Women who wore hijabs were not offered drugs, or invited to strip club parties, because men knew they were not sexual objects.


While the studies above are in Western countries, this new study, confirms the same applies in Muslim nations

The hijab (the clothing itself) and religiosity are both major factors in of themselves, in contributing to positive body image.


Scientific studies have also debunked the myth of the "hijab being oppressive" or that "women are forced to wear it"

And by the same logic of this myth, wearing sexual clothing is also oppression since the Western media conditions you into wearing it.


Another study from France also finds he same results. The hijab results in better mental and physical health.

Real scientists say that that attempts to ban the hijab are unscientific and in fact harm women's health.


A study found that the younger a woman began to wear the hijab the less she compared her body to others.

This is a good solution for the increasing sexualization of children by the liberal Western atheism.


In another scientific study. Men were watched with eye-tracking technology.

It found that men looked more at women who wore sexual clothing & focused on their naked body parts.

Whereas men could not do this on Muslim women & didn't want to harass them.


Another study by the same author finds that men are more likely to sexually harass a woman (i.e offer a car ride to her) if she wore sexual clothing as opposed to modest clothing.


This should debunk any lies atheism/feminism/france spreads about the hijab.

And lastly, scientific studies show Muslim women are the most pure and do not have pre-marital sex (whereas Western non-Muslim women have sex with strangers)


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Adding on two more studies on statistics.

Alcohol was another contributor to sexual harassments as well as going to nightclubs/bars

Women who dressed sexually were more likely to be sexually harassed by drunk men.


And lastly scientific studies have shown in Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, sexual harassment crime rates are 100 times lower than in America.

Criminologists attribute these extremely low crime rates to Islamic laws and Islamic culture.



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