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Dec 7, 2020, 6 tweets

1. I am currently in Georgia covering the Election Fraud stories, and this first Georgia I interview is an ex-Special Forces Major named James Grimshaw.

2. I find Grimshaw was highly praised by Medal of Honor Recipient Ronald Ray, who in his retirement speech at Special Forces JSOC HQ in Fayetteville, NC said Grimshaw should have been made Colonel.

3. Then I find out a book was written in 2014 predicting Trump would be elected President, the Joint Chiefs would threaten him, and Trump would enlist Grimshaw to lead a secret team to protect Trump. (Fiction at the time).

4. Then I find Grimshaw's technical consulting for shows like Magnum P.I. and We Were Soldiers led to an acting career, playing hard boiled soldiers, cops, and judges.

5. Then I find out he is quite active with several real teams of military veterans trying get to the bottom of what happened in Atlanta on Election Eve.

6. Which reminds me it is good to get out of your Mother's basement and interview people. Here is my interview with Special Forces Hero James Grimshaw.

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