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Put on your ♥ amor ♥ And let us wage PEACE.

Dec 7, 2020, 16 tweets

On the eve of the 911 false flag, Fergie's pal Lynn — a Christian Zionist aircraft "security" specialist — was directing #GulfstreamAerospaceCorp with Donald Rumsfeld and Kissinger

Fergie was working in a WTC office gifted by Zionist Howard Lutnick who lived next door to Epstein

Lynn Rothschild:

Aviation work with Rumsfeld & Kissinger…

Teterboro Airport father…

Christian Zionist 'Bible Tour' of Israel…


Fergie's WTC charities…


9-11 a turning point for Fergie's charity empire

9-11 saw her alliance with Howard Lutnick expand

9-11 a day of miracles for the lucky duo

Jeffrey Epstein's next-door neighbor, and Jeffrey Epstein's loan recipient, have maintained their union to this day

"Ask some people, and they will says that me and my soulmate, Randy Andy, are just a good time gal and her greedy former husband, always looking for new ways to enrich ourselves without much effort

"They say my former husband, Prince Andrew, has caused me nothing but trouble ...

"But scratch below the surface ...

"And an altogether different picture emerges ...

"I've built a charity empire with this man, my close friend Howard Lutnick of Cantor Fitzgerald, who supplied my FREE offices adjoining his in the World Trade Center ...

"Neither of us could make it in to work on time on that fateful morning of September 11, 2001.

"Aren't we lucky?

"Would you like to send me a check for a rag doll? I call her my Alter ego."

"And if you really want to know the gal behind the tiara...

"Ask me what the devil Prince Andrew and I were doing at a London theater in the spring of 1986 with serial child rapist Greville Janner and his young sex trafficking victim..."…

Lynn and Evelyn Rothschild know all about the ways of Britain's royal family

Indeed some say Evelyn has been grooming the royal parasites for DECADES, beginning in the 1960s with Prince Philip, then proceeding to Princes Charles and lastly Prince Andrew:

The Rothschilds "have been hard hit by recent events in NYC"

"[Evelyn] was planning a birthday party [on 10/10]"

The Clintons, Kissinger and Prince Andrew "were among friends invited"

"In the aftermath of the World Trade Center disaster, the party [is] cancelled"

LES 9/24/01

"Lady de R is reputed to be in charge of rehabilitating the Duke of York's somewhat tattered reputation in America."

Daily Mail May 29, 2001

"Lord Jacob Rothschild's mentoring of Princess Diana saw him introduce the royal to his business associate, Teddy Forstmann

Jacob sought to steer Diana into an affair with Forstmann, who was partners with Lynn Forester Rothschild at Gulfstream Aerospace"…


"Ghislaine Maxwell's passion is the oceans. In 2008 she hosted a party for the board of the nonprofit #Oceana at her townhouse on E 65th Street

Closely associated with Oceana are:

Jacob Rothschild

Boris Johnson's fiancée……


Is THIS the photo that will do for UK prime minister Boris Johnson?

When the truth about Lynn Rothschild's sponsorship of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein finally makes the headlines...

...."someone's" going to have a lot of explaining to do.

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