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Dec 9, 2020, 33 tweets

Self-id is bad...m'kay?

The Amarillo Globe-Times (Amarillo, Texas), 1973-01-26

"Self-Appraisal Harmful - 'Homosexual' a Label, Often in Error"

"There is no such thing as a homosexual"

"You should see a psychiatrists and let him sort out and identify your real problem."


Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ), 1993-12-28

Granting homosexuals protection against discrimination would result in the "hard-won gains of African-Americans, Hispanics, women, and the disabled" being shattered

The Daily Herald (Provo, Utah) 1990-10-09

"homosexuals are sexist, racist, heterophobic bigots"

Daily Mirror (UK) 1978-05-2424
Storm over lesbian rape in a prison

The San Francisco Examiner (San Francisco, CA) 1981-04-01
Bill to protect gays fails on a tie vote

"Would you like your wife to be examined by a lesbian doctor?"

The Baltimore Sun (Baltimore, Maryland) 1977-03-31
Delegates voice qualms about measure to forbid job bias against homosexuals

"You wouldn't feel any concern if you were being examined in a hospital by a lesbian?"

The Orlando Sentinel (Orlando, FL) 1977-06-07

"If a homosexual wants to feel and fit customers in your boys' clothing store, you may not reject him because of his perverted sex habits. Nor could a gynecologist reject a lesbian nurse applicant on such grounds."

The Burlington Free Press (Burlington, VT), 1993-07-18
'lots of kids are calling themselves "gay" to be trendy or rebellious'

The Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Florida) 1977-11-13
Majority Suffers Homosexual Fad
"homosexuality is a cult"

The Ottawa Journal (Ottawa, Ontario) 1978-02-04
"Homosexuality has become another the fads"

Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC) 2006-05-21
Has homosexuality become trendy?

'or it could be that some are just claiming so just to be "cool"'

Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1993-03-15

"Homosexuals already have the same rights as every other American citizen"

Daily Record (Morristown, New Jersey), 23 Apr 1993

"sympathy, and medical and psychological help"

"The homosexual teen in the strip may not be homosexual at all"

"It would be more than a shame if teens were drawn into a lifestyle fraught with despair, disease and early death"

The Indianapolis News (Indianapolis, Indiana), 13 Nov 1998

'The letter also goes on and on about so-called "violence against gays." Again, a lie. The "statistics" about gay-bashing are generated by homosexual political action groups and are grossly exaggerated'

The Ottawa Citizen (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada), 13 Jul 1998

"Homophobia...totally meaningless and contrived, but very effective in creating guilt and intimidation and in implying intolerance and oppression"

Tory MEP says homophobia doesn't exist
PinkNews August 10, 2009

"'Homophobia' is merely a propaganda device"

Daily Mirror, 1978-05-15
"Lesbian 'attacks' at a Girl's Jail

AN INQUIRY was demanded last night into allegations of attacks by lesbians on girls in prison"

Evening Herald (Dublin) 1998-02-23

"But the most horrible, frightening thing is the Lesbians. They threaten to rape you in the showers so you have to wait until they're gone or go in with someone else - that frightened me most during my first sentence.

The Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) 1997-10-10

"homosexuals enjoy the same rights as everyone else...they try to piggyback on the legitimate concerns of a civil rights movement which fought for equal protection of those born with immutable characteristics. "

The Ithacan (New York), 1992-12-10…

"Making a man (or woman) shower in front of gay men (or women) is violating their rights, and it is not homophobia. If it is then most women are "heterophobes," since they wouldn't strip down in front of a group of men."

St. Louis Post-Dispatch (St. Louis, Missouri), 15 Jan 1994

"There is no difference between forcing heterosexual soldiers to sleep and shower with a homosexual and forcing female soldiers to sleep and shower with male soldiers. "

"It is a medical and biological fact"

The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), 2005-03-06

"They're *stealing our words*!!!!!"

News-Journal (Mansfield, Ohio) 1988-05-22

The Des Moines Register (Des Moines, Iowa) 1990-10-21

* Homosexuals "recruit" by molesting children
* Gay people are mentally ill
* Gay men hate women; Lesbians hate men.
* Gay people want to turn heterosexuals into homosexuals.
* The only thing gay people think about is sex.

"There is no such thing as sexual orientation"

Congressional Record Volume 142, Number 64 (Thursday, May 9, 1996)
Extensions of Remarks by HON. ROBERT K. DORNAN of California
Pages E746-E747
The Wanderer Interviews Dr. Jeffrey Satinover

"Sexual orientation discrimination does not exist."

It's all about SEX discrimination. About <Ferengi Voice>FEEEMAAALEEESSSS</Ferengi Voice>

Cathy Brennan (bugbrennan),You Are A Splendid Butterfly blog, May 29, 2013

The Republic (Columbus, Indiana), 2007-02-20

Same-sex marriage is destabilizing traditional marriage and putting children at risk!

"Homosexuality is a Religion!"

Herald and Review (Decatur, Illinois), 2018-07-14

HO/345 A Statement by Viscount Haisham, Q.C. (1955)

"at rate of between four and five times that of 1938..."

"it is a problem of social environment and not congenital make up"

"Homosexuality is a proselytising religion"

If you pay close attention to the thread, you've likely noticed that lesbians are strongly represented in it

That's because a common bad faith move by GC transphobes is to try and wave away attacks on gay men's rights as not being because they are gay but because they are MALE

Despite my conscious effort to over-represent examples with lesbians in the thread, I STILL get responses like this
from GCers who don't bother to read the thread when examples from it are linked

Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism
(Crossway Books, 1991 for the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood)

'"there is no such thing as a "homosexual child."'

"Lesbians are DEMANDING straight women sleep with them!"

Lesbianism and Feminism, Anne Koedt (1971)

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