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Prince Charming (C silent). I've written 5 Prahalad slokas (vachanas), 100+ Jyotish articles & Sherlock Holmes books from USA, UK & Japan. IT journo from 1994.

Dec 17, 2020, 32 tweets

#Jyotish & #Andal

I've written many pieces about Jyotish. One of my Prahalad vachanas praises Bhu (Andal) for saving Prahalad.

With blessings of Prahalad, Andal & Parasara, I humbly start this thread that looks at both Jyotish & Andal.

Pasuram 1

Margazhi starts when Atma Karaka Surya visits Guru Bruhaspati in natural 9H, Dhanur.

Vaikunta Ekadashi happens this year when Chandra is in star of Moksha karaka Ketu.

Pasuram 2


#Andal is asking us to look beyond 2H. 2nd rules accumulation & takes you away from Him.

I'm writing this in PD of 2L; aspect of 9L vairagya karaka Sani on 2H gives me detachment from wealth.

BTW, all these pictures are from a Google Group I belong to.

Pasuram 3

What Vishnu did as Vamana, He faced as Rama.

But He returned kingdom to Indra, so Bharata did a "same pinch" and returned kingdom to Him.

Every action has a reaction.

Vamana gave happiness to Indra and sadness to Bali. He had to face both.

This is the law of Karma.

Pasuram 4

Rain is associated with Chandra and Sukra.

Sukra is Laxmi.

Chandra is associated with rice, which grows due to rain.

Andal is Bhu Devi.

See the link between rain, earth and rice here with Jyotish.

Pasuram 5

Yamuna is sister of Yama, who is half brother of Sani Mahatma, whom Krishna calls "Vasudevah sarvam iti sah Mahatma" in Gita (7.19).

Sani gave same punishment to His father & mine and to His Guru and mine.

Read "No Carry Forward" for details:

Pasuram 6

Sleep is associated with 12H. This house also rules Moksha.

Krishna in Gita (10.20) uses the word "gudakesa" to say Arjuna has conquered sleep.

But in Gita (2.9), Sanjaya refers to Arjuna as gudakesa because he has not woken up. This meaning is more appropriate here.

Pasuram 7

Sani is linked with crow for shrardam; by default, his vahan is the eagle. Vishnu rides Garudan, the golden eagle.

Sani is praised in Gita (7.19).

12H is sleep. Sani's moolatrikona falls in Kumbha, 11th natural sign. Being 12th from 12th, it denotes loss of sleep.

Pasuram 8

The buffalo is associated with Yama, brother of Sani Mahatma. It represents laziness of 12H.

But 12H also has other meanings--it rules Moksha & meditation also. Weak 12H makes you sleep; strong 12H gives thirst for liberation and desire to meditate and see Him within.

Pasuram 9

Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya means moving from darkness to light; or, from 12H (sleep) to wakefulness (2H; because 2H rules eyes).

2H rules accumulation because you can see that you need to save for tomorrow.

Spiritually, Andal is telling you to accumulate devotion for Him.

Pasuram 10

Kainkaryam = Service to Him.

Kai = Hand (3H) in Tamizh.

3H = Initiation into spiritual practice.

Sharanagathy is form of initiation.

My late Jyotish Guru Wendy ji said 12H rules stay abroad (with Guru). 4H (end of undertakings) fm 12H is 3H (spiritual initiation).

Pasuram 11


Cows produce milk for their calves, so Dharma says that they should have their fill first.

Laxmi=Sukra; snakes=Sukra's sishyas Rahu & Ketu.

Peacock feather was worn by Krishna because Yashoda wanted to protect Him after Pootana & Kalinga episodes.

Pasuram 12

Kuja is Mangal. Why?

My take: Rama sat on Hanuman's shoulders and fought with Ravana. Ravana's arrows pierced Hanuman. This angered Rama.

Kuja rules wounds and anger. The anger shown by Rama for wounds of Hanuman are mangal--they show His affection for His devotees.

Pasuram 13

Krishna says He's Sukra among creators ("Kavinam Usana kavih," Gita [10.37])

Interestingly, I'm watching Krishna and Andal on SVBC (today's Rohini).

Sukra got Sanjeevini to help give asuras life again. I've mentioned this in the story below:

Pasuram 14

Surya rules the natural 5H of mantras. Surya is also linked with the lotus. Perhaps, this is why we say, "Mantra Pushpam Samarpayami."

Holy men are associated with 9H; as per bhavat bhavam, this is the 5th fm the 5th.

So much Jyotish you can learn from this Pasuram!

Pasuram 15

In Pasuram 2, Andal said items linked with 2H (face/mouth) should be shunned--milk, eyeliner, etc.

Now, She is talking about nice attributes of 2H--good speech & singing.

Krishna killed elephant Kuvalayapidam. Kill ego & you'll get the sweet speech that Andal likes.

Pasuram 16

You're lagna.

My late Jyotish Guru #Wendy ji, quoting Gita (16.21), said 3H (kama), 6H (krodha) & 11H (lobha) are enemies.

They're opposed by 9H (divine grace), 12H (moksha) and 5H (mantras).

The lords of these houses guard you fm evil. So, you should worship Them.

Pasuram 17

Balarama & Ramanujar are amsas of Adi Sesan. So, Balarama's tiruvadi can be taken as reference to Ramanujar Tiruvadi.

Andal calls Ramanujar "Anna" for offering akkaravadisal at Tirumalirumcholai. Sani is Balarama's son, so She's Sani's attai.

Pasuram 18

This one is just like Mituna.

Mituna is represented by a couple.

The man carries a mace like Vishnu--a symbol of harshness.

The lady holds a lute, like Laxmi holds a lotus--a symbol of gentleness.

Vishnu is stern, so Andal is telling us approach Him through Laxmi.

Pasuram 19

12H rules sleep. It also rules Moksha. This is why Vishnu is often shown reclining on Adi Sesan.

12H also rules boundaries, which dissolve when you're with Him.

4H (chest) is also a Moksha bhava. Perhaps that's why Andal talks of Krishna resting on Nappinai's chest.

Pasuram 20

9H rules divine grace.

6H rules our enemies.

6H is the 10H of action from 9H of divine grace.

Andal is telling us that His main action is saving devotees from their enemies.

But 10H is 11th of gain from 12H of sleep.

So, when He wakes up, He saves us from danger.

Pasuram 21

Every house is destroyed by the three houses in dustana (6/8/12) from it.

Ego is linked with 10H (status). You destroy it with 9H (God), 5H (mantras) and 3H (initiation into spiritual practice).

Milk=Chandra. Chandra vanshi Krishna was born in Chandra's star Rohini.

Pasuram 22

12th is Moksha & feet. That's why you fall at His Feet.

Guru & 9th rule God.

Link between Guru/9th with 12th indicates Moksha.

I have it; if you don't, don't worry, you'll get Moksha in some other birth.

He will not let down anybody, especially not a true devotee.

Pasuram 23

The lion is represented by Simha rashi. This is the natural 5H of devotees.

Among devotees, #Prahalada is best. Is it any wonder that He came as Narasimha to meet Him?

Prahalada is greater than His own guru Narada. That's why we say, "Prahalada, Narada, Parasara..."

Pasuram 24

What Vishnu did as Vamana, He faced as Rama.

What He did as Rama (killing Vali fm hiding), He faced as Krishna.

Parasara wrote Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra and Vishnu Puran. He who reads both knows #Jyotish (karma) link between the two.

I'm sure Andal knew all this.

Pasuram 25

Bhu Devi saved Prahalada when He was pushed from a great height by Hiranyakashipu.

Prahalada sought only Him. Andal is also seeking only Him, for He is Ananda.

I've heard of 1 person with 4 grahas uccha in navamsa, who always smiles in spite of being extremely poor.

Pasuram 26

Sani's color is blue. Sukra rules diamonds. Being with Him is Moksha, which is ruled by Ketu.

When Sukra is trined by Sani & Ketu, you get Tapasvi yoga.

Such people suffer a lot, but achieve a lot.

Andal and Her Gopis have suffered separation from Him & gained Him.

Pasuram 27

In Pasuram 2, Andal says no to milk & ghee; here, She is talking about ghee flowing from hand to elbow.

She changed Her mind because this is prasadam offered to Him.

Chandra rules mind (Purusha Suktam, Rik 14).

Once mind is fixed on Him, you eat prasadam, not food.

Pasuram 28

Lords of 1, 4, 7, 10 = malefics become benefic & vice versa

3, 6, 11 = evil

1, 5, 9 = good

2, 12 = neutral

#Andal often talks about 12H (converting sleep to Moksha) and 2H (converting ordinary food to prasadam).

Here too, She mentions food; eating lunch with Him.

Yesterday was Ketu's star. Ketu in my Lg makes me headless, so I forgot 8H (transformation).

Lordship of other house owned by graha decides how it impacts.

For Mithuna, 8L Sani is benefic bcoz MT falls in 9H.

For Kataka, Sani is bad.

Thanks @jayakrishan for pointing this out.

Pasuram 29

1H is me. 9H is Him.

Link between lagna & 9th shows your desire to be with Him.

Perhaps, Andal chose me to write about #Tiruppavai & Jyotish because I've lagna lord in 9H of Dharma in MT of Sani Mahatma (Praised in Gita [7.19]), younger brother of Yama Dharma Rajan.

Pasuram 30

I thank Andal for writing the Jyotish commentary for Her Tiruppavai through me.

Of course, all errors here are mine.

I pray that those who read this should get Her blessings and the blessings of Parasara and Prahalada.

Andal tiruvadiyile sharanam. 🙏

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