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Tracking DARPA-NATO virus vaccine game. Venmo @GeoWebb

Dec 17, 2020, 8 tweets

1. Four years ago, our channel reported David Petraeus and Carl Bildt in NATO gave encrypted communications to George Soros' election flipping hackers in Belgrade, Serbia call OTPOR then later CANVAS.

2. We explained how OTPOR then CANVAS undermined governments so Soros could make a killing in currency arbitrage for all of David Petraeus' sponsors like Henry Kissinger at KKR

3. These encrypted Blackberries were arranged by David Petraeus when he was Chief of Staff for General Shelton in Kosovo in 1998. The phones were give by NATO Prop - the OSCE

4. Noted Author William Engdahl estimates OTPOR - CANVAS has been involved in at least 50 CIA overthrows of governments since the Soros mercenary force was given encrypted communications twenty years ago.

5. OTPOR-CANVAS Color Revolutions Seem To Follow The Original Petraeus Encrypted Blackberries To Arab Spring In Egypt and Libya

6. And the Color Revolutions Of Europe Follow A Similar Pattern

7. So Why Are We Surprised When OTPOR-CANVAS Programmers In Belgrade, Serbia Show Up In US Elections In 2020? With An ISP Provider Owned By David Petraeus, KK&R, and Henry Kissinger?

8. Is That Why Radcliffe's ODNI Report Is Being Delayed Past The December 18th Deadline For Trump's Foreign Interference In Elections Executive Order?

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