Google “Project 2025,” Donald Trump is a Fascist Profile picture
Because Elon Musk is a white supremacist, you can find me on BlueSky and Threads. Personal account.

Dec 21, 2020, 8 tweets

The new COVID relief bill contains $500,000,000 for Israel.

The legislative package also contains $2 billion for Air Force missile procurement and related expenses.

$4 billion for Navy weapons procurement.

$2 billion for Space Force!

It should be noted this is all part of a consolidated appropriations package--COVID relief was tied into the continuing resolution.

But these figures are still useful to see what our government's priorities are.

Love the low key accusations that I'm self-loathing.

The first tweet should have read "the spending package that COVID relief is part of" and not "the COVID relief bill."

It was imprecise language, but the point is the same: We have $ for everything but struggling people.

See? Look here, folks: the NYT did the same thing I did.

And so did Rachel Maddow (just after the 3 minute mark). She called it “the COVID relief bill.”

This is fake outrage—a deliberate attempt to distract from the fact that we’ve got funds for apartheid while claiming to be broke for our people.

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