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STUDENT #Science Lover || I like #NumberTheory, #TheoreticalPhysics, #TheoreticalCS and #Algorithms. 🙂

Dec 22, 2020, 7 tweets

Today is the 133th birthday to the greatest Mathematical minds ever born.
Happy 133th birthday to #SrinivasaRamanujan.
A self taught genius #Ramanujan used to solve one of the highest class problems in #Mathematics.

A short video clip on Ramanujan produced by @HISTORYTV18.

Ramanujan used to say that Goddess Namagiri tells him about the Mathematical formulas in his dream.

Ramanujan's letter to Hardy.

These are a few pages from #Ramanujan's #Notebook.
One can easily see that only a #Mathematician of highest quality can create these fascinating #formulas.

Also see the curious and interesting #Diophantine relations given by #Ramanujan.

#Ramanujan's Squaring the circle problem.

A original copy from his notebook. It was again published by Indian Mathematical Society.

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