🪝 🏴‍☠️ Enigma Ridworld® 🏴‍☠️ 🪝 Profile picture
Philosopher. Ridworld NFT Card Game creator. Gitub: https://t.co/y0ycp1DOPO Youtube: https://t.co/l2StmMiGQ8

Dec 23, 2020, 15 tweets

XRP's death. Is XRP dying? 1/*

XRP is also known as the Phoenix, see Ripple's office. 2/*

What's the Phoenix? A bird that cyclically regenerates and it's associated with the Sun. A phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor (SWIFT). Read the link: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_(… 3/*.

Lately we're seeing a lot of SURPRISED faces in Mr.Pool drops. See what August 15 decrypted message says about the Phoenix, the storm and SURPRISES: "As the storm comes to a SURPRISING and unexpected halt, and the clouds clear out to your own SURPRISE". 4/*

So, if XRP is the Phoenix maybe it has to die before it reborns. Reset. XRP's death -or a big fall- alone, or death combined with reborn could cause such a surprise described in Mr. Pool drops. 5/*

But we just said that the Phoenix is associated with the Sun. What does this mean? Mr. Pool Sun drops are until today the most mysterious ones, nobody has given to them a satisfactory meaning. 6/*

More Sun drops. 7/*

He posted a Sun video also. 8/*

This drops seem to point to the winter solstice (12/21), and the ancient solar myths. On Dec 22 the Sun stops moving (this is what the believers believe), so he dies symbolically. 9/*

During Dec 22, 23 and 24 the Sun is death (doesn't move). As Christ was death during 3 days. 10/*

On December 25 the Sun resurrects (starts moving again), as Christ resurrects the third day. But wasn't Dec 25 when Christ was born? Yes, a new Sun is born. The Phoenix seems a similar myth. XRP dies Dec 22, 23, 24 and reborns due to the reset in Dec 25 being a new thing. 11/*

See the following video about solar myths, minute 7:22 to 8:55, but the complete 23 minutes video is very interesting. 12/*

So XRP-the-Phoenix-the-new-Sun-God should keep dying during December 22-24 and finally reborn-resurrect on December 25 in the reset event causing a sudden price increase by surprise of everybody. Quod erat demonstrandum. @looP_rM311_7211 13/*

@buzz_chronicles save for later read

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