🪝 🏴‍☠️ Enigma Ridworld® 🏴‍☠️ 🪝 Profile picture
Philosopher. Ridworld NFT Card Game creator. Gitub: https://t.co/y0ycp1DOPO Youtube: https://t.co/l2StmMiGQ8

Dec 24, 2020, 14 tweets

@A_r_k_t_u_r_u_s Remember, the adventurers in the last riddle were navigating to somewhere, I would say to Swift, Avenue Adèle 1, 1310 La Hulpe, Belgium. According to myself the Castle is precisely Swift, so they are inside Swift making changes shaping the system. 1/*

The snake clearly means the flag of Belgium, so Swift headquarters. 2/*

Inside the building you can see the figure that Bear Michelangelo is sculpting. @bearableguy123 3/*


To remember the Myth of Ariadne (the girl lying inside the temple), see my pdf pages 15-18: drive.google.com/file/d/1plMNx7… 5/*

Ariadne is who helps Theseus, the warrior. Ariadne could be the hammer, so a) the hammer is Lagarde, once she appeared with that symbol if I remember correctly, or b) the hammer is XRP itself. 6/*

Thanks @jacky52103808 for the image. 7/*

The adventurers toke control of the ledgers, they take them from the king and now they have in his hands. 8/*

The new golden scepter the priests give to Brad means "gold standard", the new system, as the old normal broken scepter meant SWIFT, or when half fixed SWIFT-GPI. @bearableguy123 9/*

Reset, 589, tomorrow? 10/*

French beret = Lagarde. 11/*

Could this mean December 25, the day the new Sun, God, Christ, NewXRPLbasedSystem is born? It's just being born. Check related thread I did yesterday: threadreaderapp.com/thread/1341831… 12/*

Old/actual/black Ledgers run by SWIFT doesn't work properly, they aren't ordered. New/transparent Ledgers aka Blockchains (4 or 5 blockchains) are perfectly ordered by definition. XRP, XLM, BTC-Lightning, ETH? (Or, XRP, XLM, XDC, ALGO, ETH, or whatever combination) 13/*

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