On December 25 Mr Pool retweeted August 16 message about the Phoenix and that the worst was still on the horizon to come. 1/*
Maybe now we can assume that November 3 message meant "FUD" nor "FUN". Putting the word in capital letters seems to indicate the aspect the word fud has in our space, FUD. 2/*
Brad started it on December 22 (1/3 posts (Don't say? Sure) = 13 = Plan B). 3/*
And immediately the SEC followed dropping the bomb (1.3 billions (Don't say? Sure) = 13 = Plan B). 4/*
FUD materializes, Bitstamp is one of the first that haltes XRP trading and so on. 5/*
A domino effect takes place and several exchanges do the same. 6/*
Coinbase follows on December 28, announced by Mr Pool on December 23. 7/*
Cryptographer-1 makes his small contribution as always (remember his comments regarding Flare, tools to set the message key and so on. What a Bear Guy man). 8/*
So, bullshit peaking. I don't believe a word of any of this. Very suspicious, this seems a movie. Everyone playing his role. 9/*
Anyway, let's remember a couple of messages apparently related to Covid. Not so many are dying due to Covid, at least right now not to the point where you could say that nobody will come (come?) to the future. Maybe he meant XRP hodlers will sell XRP and leave the community. 10/*
See a representative example, XRP_Stuart, a well know researcher, years researching XRP and posting content about it and suddenly forgets everything he read, thought, saw and sells for a random cryptocurrency. He must have his reason, for sure. 11/*
Who's writing the plot? 12/*
You can see in the video, them, 33. 13/*
Don't you think Madame X is talking about XRP? 14/*
Let's analyze the video. The monks, rulers, ploters, freemasonry, Knight's Templar, Knights of Malta en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign… 15/*
Her name is Madame X = XRP. The "You" who talks to her is an structural entity = the system = the spirit of the system = the thing that always remains and just changes its exterior form, let's call it the "Spirit". They are separated right now, not connected. 16/*
But the Spirit call, when says her NAME, seems a little prayer, why seems a little prayer? Litlle = 3 letters = litlle name = XRP. 17/*
The union between XRP and the new System, the updated, the activation, the communion will be in the midnight, power = OVERNIGHT. 18/*
But the Phoenix-XRP must die first. 19/*
What will happen? The new system, pipes, will be connected, activated, using XRPL and bringing XRP to the center of the new system as an important element, the QUEEN, the KING. See XRP in the middle of the pipes. 20/*
It seems that XRP or Ripple maybe are not fully aware about what awaits to XRP, the plan maybe it's just fully known for the monks who are building the new system. 21/*
It seems there's nothing out there, but the system as a whole seem to have life and messengers that shape reality according to the Spirit. You seem nothing, but you're the Spirit, Zeitgeist, German term meaning "The spirit of the age". 22/*
The story goes and the Phoenix dies = XRP is dying those days, reset, they are connecting the new system. 23/*
And then the Phoenix is reborn. New aspect, modified, going live in the new system. Unified with the Spirit, they become one, no separation, both are the system itself. 24/*
Ah, Madam X is falling OUT OF THE SKY, so she flies, or it's some kind of bird. Well, she's the Phoenix.
That was the main plot, but then the story goes to the present at that time, May 18, 2019, and gives some details. There will be a Storm, a metaphorical one, not literally. 26/*
The Storm is -in grand part- Covid-19, which is part of the plan. 27/*
Not just for Covid-19 itself but for consequences related to the plans, not many will come to the future. Mr Pool might refer to XRP holders week hands, he posted it after March 2020 big dip in cryptomarket. 28/*
Yep, a new actor appears, this is the Q guy (Quavo, probably a reference to Q). He plays Gold role. 29/*
He will work with her. Gold and XRP will work together in the new system. 30/*
Flare smart contracts platform with his token SPARK will have a role in all this. People, which have received it for free, will make profit from SPARK. 31/*
Finally, XRP to the Moon (Sun not to shine, the opposite, Moon). 32/*
Peace in the Middle East. Marvin Gaye reference. 33/*
We are from the future. 34/*
Unknown. 35/*
We are the Illuminati, the freemasonry, our origin goes back to Egypt. 36/*
The last sentence the Q-Gold guy says, related to the pyramid, is "I'ma rise above it all". A widespread theory about what was at the top of the ancient pyramids says that there was Gold in there. So, if the guy will be above it all means he plays Gold. 37/*
The Zeitgeist, the Spirit of the Age, is/will be digital money. The Spirit is money. The Spirit of the new Age is digital money, virtuality. Value is digital. 38/*
Gold is just a special guest in the new Age. That's all. Who knows why, maybe it has some properties relevant related to the future, beyond being a way to limit the free printing of currency. 39/*
After going through a wormhole (possible reference to Ripple Riddler wormhole video ), which is a reference to a quantum thing... 40/*
It appears in the background stairs some ruined buildings that look like a quantum computer. I don't like the Quantum Financial System narrative, but guys, I say what I see, not what I like, we're here for the truth. 41/*
@threadreaderapp unroll The plot (v3)
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