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Jan 6, 2021, 22 tweets

How the world is, and has been controlled by the same families for millennia

These are the secret elite families that rule the world from behind the scenes and what we can do to change society for the better


13 blood line families, the Venetian, they are the enemy of us all and they are chameleons rats that live underground...
They live by the law of the sea, they are pirate ships on maritime...
Everything they have done is unlawful of gods law

To be with god we have to raise our chrism oil to heave up to heaven up-on earth, these people don’t want to be near god so they are taking the adrenals for life giving properties, when they torture a sentinel life to the point of death the body is attempting to stay alive so...

enormously powerful secretion are realised into the system to put the body into shock so it doesn’t feel the horror of the pain, then to protect systems they can be put on bare minimum so they can survive. Our bodies are absolute miracles of creation, by the golden creator...

and we are golden children. This is why they take that from the sacred golden child, they take abortions, the babies are kept alive and harvested, this is divinity, they want a long life but don’t want to go through god so they take it by force.

These are the cain who have changed there names
House of Borja
House of Breakspeare
House of Somaglia
House of Orsini
House of Conti
House of Chigi
House of Colonna
House of Farnese
House of Medici
House of Gaetani
House of Pamphili
House of Este
House of Aldobrandini

They changed there names because they needed to sound Italian as they live in Venice. History at a certain part was dominated by Italy being dominated by Venice and Rome, so the Venetians could move to Venice and control Rome. They write history, they write the future.

There has been a system in place and the origins essentially reach that the federal reserve banking system and again the key component being that December meeting in congress back in 1913 rolled out this false system of what is known as the maritime admiralty law

We are talking about a system where you are recognised solely upon a false construct to the powers that thee and based upon the actions that took place in the delivery room when you were born into existed is that you have been reduced from a...

natural creation of god which is eternal abundant and limitless under the protections of gods creation to a very fragile easily controlled paper being, this is the maritime admiralty law system. Essentially on your birthing certificate when you are received...

as merchandise from the high seas upon the land from a doc-tor, the doc-tor is the one who greets this creation from the high seas upon the land and then the sub-defuse begins in full.

What you are reduced down to via your birthing certificate is a 3 word name, all caps, registered, confirmed, asked by a number which is confirmed on your birthing certificate and there you exist to the powers that be...

chattel can be owned and therefor bought and sold as chattel based upon a system where we have consented capitulated, whether we choose to or not, to participate in the system as a essentially the living dead.

All roads lead to Rome... China is currently emerging in the news because they are as soulless, and are the puppet communist party of land. The belt on road initiative leads straight to Rome and the fall of the Venetian jesuits... The head of the hydra has been removed

These people are soulless and we are slaves under an unlawful govern-ment, until we realise they can’t govern our minds anymore. You as mankind are free. Don't fall to illusions. You always have been free until the belief that you were not. No vaccines, paper work, no govern

Our fundamental responsibility is the children, every child should be offered a freedom guarantee consisting of the follow terms...

1.Every child must be provided with supportive, loving, safe environment where one can flourish

2. republic must seek to identify the child’s strengths and weaknesses. It will remove child from activities of failure that will harm child’s confidence and self esteem.
3. Will instead provide the child environments of success where the child is happy and confident

4.The republic guarantee the 10,000 hours said to be required to make someone an expert in there chosen field
5.No child should be forced, for sake of an inflexible curriculum, to do something that they instinctively resist. There is no...

...point force feeding math for example, to a child with little aptitude for the subject. Will only make them miserable and make them feel like failures.
7.Every child must be protected from any brainwashing or mind control from any source.

8.Every child must be exposed to a wide variety of ideas,no one but the child may choose ones desired direction one may go 9.Every child must enjoy the same opportunities and treatment as every other child. No child should benefit from the privilege or suffer from under privilege

The jesuits took our freedom and used religion, money, communism, ethnicity and social differences to divide our global community. This group of people are the end of the rabbit hole...

Only natural law exists to natural man.
The rest can be forgotten.
This is spiritual warfare in duality.
And you must return to at-one-ment.
But please don't get lost in research

God will deliver 🙏

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