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garrison davis, chaos magick appreciator. writer/host for It Could Happen Here and other @coolzonemedia shows.

Jan 7, 2021, 11 tweets

The woman shot and killed at the Capitol was a former Police Officer.

Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot and killed by police whilst breaking into the Capitol was also an Air Force vet as well as being former Police.

First QANON related posts from Ashli were made in Nov 2019, referencing Pizzagate.

First time she uses the hashtag WWG1WGA (a QANON phrase) and hashtag Q were in February 2020.

Since February she's been tagging posts with QANON terms quite frequently.

And as of even a few days days ago she was retweeting major QANON related accounts. The last few months Ashli retweeted QANON booster and lawyer Lin Wood quite a lot.

The last thing she ever tweeted contained two QANON references, "the storm is here" and "dark to light."

She tweets out "@/FollowQanon" alongside Q terms on March 2nd.

As California went into lockdown for Covid, Ashli fell even deeper into QANON, tweeting out even more obscure Q references.

By the end of April Ashli was fully "Q-Pilled" and following/retweeting a lot of QANON accounts.

What happened at the Capitol was entirely predicable and predicted. The far right has been actively recruiting and preparing for stuff like this for years.

I'll end this thread for now with a one of Ashli's tweets from May 2020. You can see foreshadowing of what happened today.

Sidenote on the police thing: Her February 2020 tweets do imply she was at some point a police officer, but it looks like her and her friends were referring to her stint as Military Police, not City Police. She had some riot police like training as a Air National Guard.

As Babbitt planned her Jan 6th trip, her feed was full of revolutionary sentiments. QANON accounts discussed being in the "10 days of darkness," a big part of Q lore. She first mentions the DC trip by replying to a post about "saving the children." She tags her post with WWG1WGA.

The sheer possibility of a Capitol siege was also fueled by members of the Far Right storming the Oregon Capitol only weeks prior. Babbitt retweeted the big QANON account "DOQ"'s praise for the “patriots” at Oregon's Capitol. Babbitt first started retweeting "DOQ" back in March.

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